See also: A-Channel news video here

OTTAWA: On May 20, members of a local coalition of Jews, Arabs and others showed up at the National Arts Centre's "Israel@60" event to let the NAC symphony orchestra and their fans know that there is nothing to celebrate, and to remind them that the birth of the State of Israel was accompanied by the creation of hundreds of thousands of indigenous refugees, none of whom were ever allowed to return to their homes.

The group was joined by a contingent of black frocked orthodox Jews who had travelled from Montreal to express their opposition to Zionism, and their sorrow at what the birth of Israel has done to the Palestinian people.

Below: the badge says: "A Jew, not a Zionist":

Here is the whole Montreal contingent of orthodox Jews posing in the shadow of the War Memorial at the top of Elgin Street:

Ben Saifer, organizer for "Not in our Name -Ottawa (NION-Ottawa)" is probably hoarse today after hours of leading those assembled in a variety of chants, such as "Celebrations to the side; condemn Israel Apartheid", and the one used as the title for this report.

Here are some photos taken from a distance in an attempt to give some idea of the size of the protest:
This is Elgin Street on both sides of the North entrance to the NAC parking garage:

Here's a closeup of the banner displayed to vehicles travelling North on Elgin Street, held by members of the Ottawa Raging Grannies:

Seated near the Grannies was this man with his sign: "Light up Gaza", referring to the electricity rationing that further complicates the life of a Palestinian.

At one point a Jewish passerby questioned one of the rabbis about his stand against the State of Israel. Patiently, the rabbi explained how the Jews cannot inherit the Holy Land until the sin which caused the Jewish diaspora has been atoned and the Messiah returns. The man countered with "What's the problem. The land was owned by the British and they gave it to the Jews. There never was a Palestine."
To which the Arab man replied: "There never was an Israel either."
"Well, there was a people called Israel," argued the man.
"There was also a people called Palestinians. Look it up in the Bible," said the Arab.
Too many facts. The perplexed Jew went on his way.

Nearby were Abla, also an Arab, who holds a sign that pulls no punches about what Israel has been doing for 60 years, and a man whose sign makes it clear that Judaism does not necessarily mean Zionism:

As this woman turned into the North entrance to the parking lot she used some pretty foul language. She was bringing her daughter to enjoy the symphony celebration but now the ambiance had been horribly tainted. She kept yelling, "We are free f*ing Jews!" which must have meant something to her, but only suggested to the crowd that she didn't like being reminded of the Palestinians who are a long ways from being free.
Meanwhile, all the way across the street - working alone most of the time, was Marjorie - who had some interesting conversations with passersby, got poked in the shoulder once by an angry Israel supporter, but in general received an enthusiastic response to the pamphlets she handed out and even thanks from people who were glad to see the truth getting out to the public.

I heard later that there was also a group camped at the South entrance to the NAC.
One of the highlights of the event was the mock checkpoint. The humiliation of Palestinians at Israeli checkpoints under the guise of "security" was acted out numerous times during the evening. The people who played the IDF soldier parts were very convincing: "Give me your ID." "Where are going?" "Be quiet or go to jail." "Do you know there is a curfew tonight?"...

For more information visit the websites shown in the banners above.
To get details of upcoming related events in Ottawa, contact:
nion.ottawa - at - gmail - dot - com
admin - at - canpalnet-ottawa - dot - org
Related: The Chapters bookstore boycott is still going strong, and the movement is growing. Contact NION or Canpalnet-Ottawa to get on the mailing list and support these bi-weekly pickets. Note: as funds are always in short supply for printed materials and banners, please also inquire about where you can send a donation.
See also:
Al Nakba Commemorated - May 8th events in Ottawa and Montreal
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