Monday, May 12


Americans should see what they get for their billions in giveaway to Israel

From The Web Site listed Below

I saw the images and they were disturbing.
Images are of the Israeli
assault against civilians in Gaza. I did not
imagine things in Gaza
are going as they are; therefore I forwarded
it on to you so that
you witness the crimes against humanity that
the Israelis carry out.


And now my dear friend after what you have seen of oppression
and torture which humans suffer on this land who only want to live a decent life, and I believe after you have seen this painful reality you will start thinking how you can help those people? And I can help you to answer this question.

Firstly: send this webpage to all your friends and colleagues, let them know the truth of how these humans live and not let them get carried away by the Israeli media.

My second point is that you should write a letter to your government and encourage them to move in a diplomatic way to stop this massacre, and be sure they can stop all this killing if they are willing to do so



  1. It most probable that this infant was not killed by the IDF but by a secondary explosion of material Palestinian terrorists were holding within the civilian neighborhood.

    The use of human shields is a war crime. However, Hamas routinely uses this tactic to generate pictures like this. More and more Palestinians seem to be aware of this.

  2. Anonymous8:20 am

    Do you live in Palestine Ruth? Do you live in Gaza? Where are the facts that support this? Israel does no wrong Ruth? And regards to Hamas they were elected Ruth in what many have called the most free elections on the earth.
