in his talks with US President George W. Bush in Washington.
Abbas stressed to the press that he will go back to Ramallah
without any results from his visit to the United States.
Critics say that despite big talk by George Bush, he has yet
to grasp the situation in order to act as anything other than
a mouth piece for the Israelis.
President Abbas expressed his pessimism about the
possibility of reaching a peace agreement with Israel
before the end of this year despite the statements made
by the US for the conference in Annapolis last November
and since then. The Israeli government has only continued
its settlement expansion and not released any prisoners,
while general attacks are up 300 percent.
The Palestinian president said that the main obstacle to
peace talks was Israel's continued expansion of settlements
built on occupied Palestinian land.
Bush plans on coming to the Middle East next month. He is
attempting to leave his legacy as the president who ended
the “conflict” between the Palestinians and Israelis, without
dealing in the specific reality that this is an occupation, illegal
under all facets of international law.
Jordan’s King Abdullah II was in the White House on Wednesday
to help push things along and to ask that the US be aware of the
situation and to set a timetable for the state. The US rejected
commitment for a timetable, as opposed to its comments about
“the end of the year.”
President Abbas also met with the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
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