Thursday, April 17

Palestine Solidarity Ireland rep visiting Canada

Dear Friends,
Freda Hughes will be in Toronto from 9th - 15th May. She is part of the Dublin branch of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign: IPSC National Events Coordinator and member of the IPSC National Executive. IPSC was formally established in 2002. Check out for a full description of aims and activities. Freda also works with Sean Clinton, the IPSC boycott officer who some of you may be familiar with.
She is looking forward to meeting Palestine activists and attending Palestine Solidarity and al Nakbah events while here in Canada. If you would like to meet with her or invite her to your events please contact her at email addresses posted on various sites if available.
I'm always impressed with the work for Palestinian justice coming from the staunchly independent minded Ireland and also Scotland. And since I was born in Ireland, married to a Palestinian and the mother of 4 Palestinian Canadian children it makes me proud to see the committment and activity coming from my birthplace.
I hope all that are able, will give a warm welcome to Freda.
Thanks, Susan


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