provided by sister Karima

This photocopy of an interesting document
where President Truman decides to recognise
"something" to be called the "Jewish-State"
which he corrected the name and called it
"The State of Israel".
Probably the Zionist wrote this text with
and President Truman corrected it
with his own hand-writing
with his own hand-writing
into " The State of Israel".........see above !!
The question arises now , not to my mind ,
but to the average reader whether this name
If ever Israel's name were a revival ,
how come the Zionist never mention it in their
own literature's ,
own literature's ,
but always used the term "Jewish-home" or
Even the Zionist-Jews of Europe wanted
to emigrate to Palestine
to emigrate to Palestine
and not to "Israel".
If ever Israel's name were a discovery ,
how come we never see in history the
word Israel
word Israel
used for a state or a Kingdom even.
Israel was always the name of a Semitic-Tribe
named after a person , called Israel.
Then we must conclude that Israel
is an invention ,
is an invention ,
more than anything else.
God spoke of the Land -of-Canaan
Moses spoke of the Promised -land
and nobody spoke about an "Israel"
except the colonialist Jews of Europe,
only after they have robbed it.
Cecil Rhodes called (his) Zimbabwe , Rhodesia.
Theodor Herzl must have called Palestine ,
rather Herzolina or Zionesia .
If ever " Israel " would have existed ,
it must have been only in the criminal minds
of European rich colonialists ,
of European rich colonialists ,
or in the mind of an ignorant US President
financed (or even bought) by the
Jewish-capital of Wall Street .
financed (or even bought) by the
Jewish-capital of Wall Street .
Conclusion :
"Israel" is neither a revival nor
a discovery
a discovery
but simply a criminal invention.
Raja Chemayel
not inventing anything !!
PS :
Ironically this document/photocopy shown up ,
also mentions PALESTINE
also mentions PALESTINE
as the scene of the crime.....or being the next- crime-scene
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