Monday, April 28

Neither a revival nor a discovery , but simply a criminal invention

From: Raja Chemayel

Historical Documents and Speeches - Press Release Announcing U.S. Recognition of Israel (1948). At midnight on  May 14, 1948 the Provisional Government Proclaimed a new  State of Israel. On that same date the United States, in the person of President Harry Truman recognized the provisional Jewish Government as de facto authority of the Jewish State (de jour recognition was extended on January 31, 1949).
provided by sister Karima
This photocopy of an interesting document
where President Truman decides to recognise
"something" to be called the "Jewish-State"
which he corrected the name and called it
"The State of Israel".
Probably the Zionist wrote this text with
and President Truman corrected it
with his own hand-writing
into " The State of Israel".........see above !!
The question arises now , not to my mind ,
but to the average reader whether this name
If ever Israel's name were a revival ,
how come the Zionist never mention it in their
 own literature's ,
but always used the term "Jewish-home" or
Even the Zionist-Jews of Europe wanted
 to emigrate to Palestine
and not to "Israel".
If ever Israel's name were a discovery ,
how come we never see in history the
word Israel
used for a state or a Kingdom even.
Israel was always the name of a Semitic-Tribe
named after a person , called Israel.
Then we must conclude that Israel
 is an invention ,
more than anything else.
God spoke of the Land -of-Canaan
Moses spoke of the Promised -land
and nobody spoke about an "Israel"
except the colonialist Jews of Europe,
only after they have robbed it.
Cecil Rhodes called (his) Zimbabwe , Rhodesia.
Theodor Herzl must have called Palestine ,
rather Herzolina or Zionesia .
If ever " Israel " would have existed ,
it must have been only in the criminal minds
of European rich colonialists ,
or in the mind of an ignorant US President
financed (or even bought) by the
Jewish-capital of Wall Street .
Conclusion :
"Israel"  is neither a revival nor
 a discovery
but simply a criminal invention.
Raja Chemayel
not inventing anything !!
PS :
Ironically this document/photocopy shown up ,
  also mentions PALESTINE
as the scene of the crime.....or being the next- crime-scene


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