Monday, April 21

May 10 March/Rally for Palestine: Nakba Events in May for Toronto Canada


Commemorating 60 Years of Al Nakba -

Palestinian Refugees Will Return!

WHEN: 1pm, 10th May 2008
WHERE: Meet at Queens Park, Toronto

** See below for full calendar of Nakba events this May in Toronto**

During 1947-1948, over two-thirds of the Palestinian people were driven from their homeland. Over 500 Palestinian villages and neighborhoods were destroyed and the state of Israel established.

Palestinians call this
process of ethnic cleansing, Al Nakba, or the 'Catastrophe'.

Sixty years later, Israel's war against the Palestinian people has reached unprecedented levels:

** Over 7 million Palestinian refugees are in exile waiting to return home. Millions more live as citizens of Israel or under military occupation under conditions akin to South African Apartheid.

** From September 2000 – March 2008, over 4900 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli troops. The Israeli military has killed, on average, two Palestinians every day of the last 7.5 years.

** In the Gaza Strip, over 1.5 million people live in an open-air prison with the entry of food, electricity, fuel, medicines and essential supplies restricted by Israel.

** Israel holds over 10,000 Palestinians as political prisoners – most face some form of torture or abuse while in detention.

Despite these crimes, supporters of Israeli Apartheid in Toronto are holding a series of events this May under the title: "Let's Party Like Its 1948".

Join us in the May 10 Al Nakba Commemoration march and rally, beginning at Queens Park, 1pm. Make a banner and some noise, wear Palestinian dress and bring your friends!

Let's say NO to ethnic cleansing and proclaim loudly: Palestinian refugees will return!


The following schedule of events is planned for May 2008 in commemoration of Al Nakba. For more information please contact

Thursday 8th May: Toronto Press Conference

Hear Al Nakba survivors recount their experiences. Speakers include Palestinian refugees and community supporters. Organized by Palestine House,

Friday 9th May: Anti-Apartheid Picket of Chapters/Indigo Bookstore.

The majority owners of Chapters Indigo founded 'Heseg', a scholarship program for individuals who want to join the Israeli military. Meet 5pm @ Bay and Bloor.

Saturday 10th May: MARCH AND RALLY, 1pm, Queens Park.

Sunday 11th May: Film Screening of "1948" by Mohammad Bakri.

A profound and deeply moving record of the Nakba by Palestinian film-maker Mohammad Bakri. 7pm, (venue to be announced).

Wednesday 14th May: Workshop: "Palestinian Education under Occupation and the Campaign for Academic Boycott"

A meeting organized by Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) and university faculty from across Toronto to hear the experiences of Palestinian students under occupation and discuss ways to move forward in the campaign for academic boycott. For more information, contact

Thursday 15th May: Tour of the renowned Palestinian Hip-Hop group, DAM! Also featuring Invincible and a B-Boy battle.

Straight from 1948 Palestine. All ages show. Organized by Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid. Tickets are $15 and are available at: Toronto Women's Bookstore 73 Harbord Street

Friday 16th May: Reel Activism Film Screening: Arna's Children

Documentary about Palestinian children of the Intifadas,7pm. @ Bloor Street United Church upstairs Chapel. Organized by the Social Justice Committee of the Uniting Church.

Saturday 17th May: Youth Day – Popular education workshop on Palestine.

An exciting and fun introduction to Palestine for youth! Run by the New York based Palestine Education Project (PEP). Organized by High Schools Against Israeli Apartheid,

26th – 30th May Forum: "Workers' Rights Under Occupation" at the Canadian Labour Congress convention, Toronto.

Forum with Palestinian and Haitian trade unionist (details to be announced). Organized by Labour for Palestine and Toronto Haiti Action Committee

Thursday 29th May: Preview Screening of the Play, "My Name Is Rachel Corrie"

8pm, Tarragon Extra Space 30 Bridgman Avenue. Tickets are $20 and available at: Toronto Women's Bookstore 73 Harbord Street

Friday 30th May – Sunday 1 June: "Brick By Brick" National Conference.

National workshop for labour activists and trade unionists on building labour solidarity with Palestine. To register, contact Labour for Palestine,


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:27 pm

    We are fed up of talks. I have been deafened with slogans and zealous speeches. I have been sickened of being shown what others are doing and we are sitting helplessly or wasting our energy on trivial issues. For all pro Palestinians, enough talk. Let your ACTIONS be louder than your words. Be pro active. Let the world hear you. We will never forget. Let the world know that the Palestinians are the Key holders of Peace. The convening of a Palestinian American National conference that is inclusive of every Palestinian living in America is long overdue. We are coming together as American Palestinians along with out friends and supporters
    to commemorate the 60th anniversary of
    Al-Nakba (forced eviction of our people from
    our ancient homeland).
    Here how you can get involved:
    click on this url
