Monday, April 28

The Iraqi Resistance Makes Bush Cry!

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From: Samia Saleh

The Iraqi Resistance Makes Bush Cry!

Duha Abdul Rahman, Iraqi News Agency, Iraq -Translated By Ferris Tubia

April 15, 2008

They could be crocodile tears, since Bush is not known to be emotional or even someone who feels compassion with other people's losses. He is a bastard, and bastards have no mercy or pity. He is a murderer, and murderers do not miss each other, and he is also a thief, and thieves do not care about each other. In any case, we will pretend that we do believe that his tears are sincere.

If these tears were shed for elective purposes, then we should pay attention to the tears of the other individuals in office-at least their tears are more real, or maybe we should turn to look at the American families who cried for the loss of their beloved ones in the war; and if his tears were truthful, then he should put out the fire, since he lit it up in the first place!

The question is: what was the reason behind Bush's tears? Undoubtedly, it is the message he received from the Iraqi combatants, after the occupation's 5th Anniversary, informing him that the number of dead marines, since 2003, increased to "4000", another "30,000" of them were wounded some way or another, more than "100,000" of them suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or some type of psychological issue, and another"5000" decided to run away from the Iraqi hell to Canada.

Bush was stunned by the intensity of the Iraqi resistance. The reported figures we mentioned above were not the ones that shocked him; it was the real numbers, which actually alarmed him. Bush can lie to his party or people, but he definitely cannot lie to himself. What shocked him even more is that even though he sent 30,000 more troops, he still could not control the situation. This, in fact, not only made him lose some of his precious tears, but almost his mind.

With a husky voice and teary eyes appeared Dana Perino, the White House Press Secretary, in a press conference, announcing that her boss received emotionally the news of the increase in the dead marines figure to 4000. She also added that Bush feels responsible for his own decision, meaning attacking Iraq, and in a very dramatic way she adds that "Bush was grieved by the news".

Nancy Pelosi, the current speaker of the United States House of Representatives, shares the grief with Bush, although she disagrees with his decision to keep troops in Iraq. She reacted after hearing Commanding General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker's reports on Iraq by saying that "the Iraqi government does not deserve all of these sacrifices".

And the bug of tears keeps biting some other senators and representatives. Senator Jack Reed, the senior United States senator, tried to explain to Bush in the simplest words possible the reasons behind the Democrats' opposition to the war: "hundreds of billions have been spent. Our military is strained … we think it is wrong that the President tells us there's not enough money for our veterans and children's health care because he is spending $10 billion a month in Iraq." He also mentions that the troops are facing pressure and all kinds of threats.

Undoubtedly, these insolent tears shed by Bush, who is one of history's most notorious serial killers, uncover the truth about the muddy swamp America got stuck in, and it seems like it is an extremely deep one, full of -besides sticky mud- the blood of the American soldiers that they cannot get themselves out of it. This also shows how deceiving Bush has been, starting with his claims about Iraq hiding weapons of mass destruction, and ending with his lies about his and his puppies' losses in Iraq.

These great damages to the American forces and economy should represent wake-up calls to all of those supporting the war, selling themselves to the conquerors, thinking that the Iraqi resistance will give up easily. Day after day the Iraqi combatants feel more inclined to defend their soil and keep fighting until their last breath. The history will record their victories until the end of time,

Congratulations to our men in their victory against the world's most powerful country. Congratulations especially that they were able to crush each and every one of the enemy's evil and malicious plan and strategy. Congratulations to every true Iraqi, who has to be definitely proud of our faithful men fighting for the sake of a free Iraq. Free, not the American way, but the real, Iraqi way.

Congratulations to every Arab and conscientious individual this great triumph. It is every genuine man's duty, whatever their nationality is, to awaken the consciences of these lost, blind souls. It is every genuine man's duty to unveil what the American government is trying to hide, which is in this case their great loss in this war against humanity. It is every genuine man's duty to praise the Iraqi resistance and their victories that squeezed Bush's tears out of his eyes. These victories that will resonate in his slow brain for the rest of his life, and that will push our blessed men to keep fighting, until this sick virus is out of our lands, God willing.

- An Iraqi Writer

http://www.iraq- .php?type=&tnid=27492



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