Monday, March 3

Irish Young woman shores up the dead Gaza

Irish Young woman shores up the dead Gaza

Below is a letter of support from a friend (Nashri) who came to Gaza lately. Nashri, who came to the Gaza strip when the Berlin wall was down, faced a lot of troubles near the borders. These troubles made her determine to transfer the image of suffering.

I met her in Gaza strip and involved with her in a charity task alongside her mum.

She is very aware of what's going on in the Gaza strip and promised to exert tremendous efforts to show the world the real situation in Gaza Strip.

Her promise was on ground 3 days after she has gone back to Ireland. She helped in organizing a protest in Ireland in the 23rd of February as a part of the Global day for Gaza held by PCAS.

Dear all,

Because of the inadequate excuse for "News" here in Ireland,
I'm not sure if all of you fully comprehend the horrific extent of Israel's escalating bombardment of the Gaza Strip but I
watched the news on Aljazeera in utter disbelief yesterday
as Israel continued its mass killing of civilians in the densely-populated refugee camps of Jabaliya
(120,000 people in two square miles) Khan Yunis and Rafah.
These are camps which I visited only 3 weeks ago on a
humanitarian aid mission with the ISPC to the Gaza Strip, and I experienced first-hand, the atmosphere of terror a
falling rocket can create.

Since Wednesday, the Israeli Defense Force have killed at
least 110 people in the Gaza Strip of which 34 are children
including a 2-day old baby. This offensive was launched
last week in response to the death of a 45 year old
Israeli student in the southern town of Sderot, the first
such death in nine months. More than 70 were killed
yesterday alone in one of the bloodiest days as heavy
rockets, missiles, cluster bombs fired by Apache
Helicopters and 1-ton bombs dropped by F16,
rained down on civilian areas.

The statistics speak volumes and are alarmingly one-sided.
In response to the 6 Israeli's wounded on Saturday by
Hamas Rockets, over 60 people were killed in the
Israeli retaliatory strikes. So far today, 4 Israeli civilians
have been moderately injured by Hamas rockets and so
Israel has responded by killing 10 Palestinians using
heavy artillery shelling.

All life is precious but it doesn't take a degree in
Human Rights to see that Israel's response to the
homemade rockets being fired over the border from the
Hamas-controlled territory is excessive and disproportionate -
if you push people into a corner, they are going to fight back.
I only ask of you all to be aware of the situation over there; of Israel's flagrant abuse of basic Human Rights in the targeting
of innocent civilians in densely populated areas in what they call "Collective Punishment", of its defiance in response to global denunciations and calls of restraint from the International
community, of its obvious superiority complex when it
comes to obeying UN resolutions. A recent opinion poll has
indicated that the majority of Israelis favour a truce with Hamas.

Most sickeningly, Israel's own Deputy Defence Minister,
Matan Vilnai, in a statement on Friday, announced on
Israel's Army Radio that the Palestinians risked bringing a
"Shoah" (The Hebrew word for The Nazi Holocaust)
upon themselves if Hamas does not cease firing the
home-made Qassam rockets into southern Israel.
Considering, I found this particular choice of words
coming from a leader in the Jewish State appalling.

Closer to home, in a statement issued on Friday evening,
our Foreign Affairs Minister, Dermot Ahern, condemned "
the firing of rockets on Israeli towns by Palestinian militants
the killing of an Israeli student on Wednesday, and the l
arge numbers of civilians killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza". (Interesting placing of priorities there I thought.)

Below, there is a link that once there you can see pictures and
articles on the situation over there, most of which are,
I warn you now, very harrowing and difficult
to view but I implore you not turn a blind eye completely. It's
the least we can do.


لجنة المتطوعين .. المنبثقة عن اللجنة الشعبية لمواجهة الحصار


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