Saturday, February 16

Women's Organization for Political Prisoners (WOFPP) Feb News

Free All Palestinian
Prisoners Petition

WOFPP is a group of women united in their opposition
to Israeli occupation. The organization was established
in 1988 and is based in Tel Aviv.

WOFPP's aim is to support women political prisoners
and to promote the release of all political prisoners
who have struggled or are accused of having struggled
against the Israeli occupation and are held in Israeli jails.

WOFPP's support consists in monitoring the conditions
of the women political prisoners and resisting policies
of suppression that violate their rights.

There are, at present, about 90 women political prisoners in
the Israeli jails: In Hasharon Prison (Tel Mond) about
85, the rest in Neve Tirza Prison (Ramle)
and in several detention centers.

Hasharon Prison (Tel Mond)

The conditions in the cells
It is still very cold and wet in the cells. Everything in the
cells is damp. The women prisoners use cardboard to
absorb the dampness from their beds. The permanent
dampness causes a bad smell in the cells. They still
cannot use any heaters because of electricity power
problems that the prison authorities do not repair.

Fatmah elZuk, From Gaza, mother of 8 children,
was arrested in May 2007. On 15 January 2008
she gave birth to her son Usef in Meir hospital in
Kfar Saba. Immediately after the birth she had
one leg tied to the bed. “Mandela Institute for
Human Rights and Political Prisoners" submitted
an appeal to the high court through advocate
Taghreed Jahshan, demanding that a lawyer
be allowed to visit Fatmah in hospital. The appeal
was refused. After two days she was transferred
back to prison.
In her cell there is a heater for the baby, but
when she washes him it is too cold; the prisoners try to
heat the cell by covering with a towel the door's window
that is without glass, covered with bars only.

Nura elHashlamon, from Hebron, mother of six, an
administrative detainee, was arrested on 17 September
2006: She stopped her hunger strike after 21 days, on 7
January 2008. On 16 January her husband, who is also an
administrative detainee, visited her.

Wurud Qasem, 20 years old, from Tira, was arrested on
4 October 2006. On 27 January she was brought to the
district court in Tel Aviv. Before the session began,
her family members approached her to say hello.
The guards did not allow this and dragged her so
harshly that she fell down and hurt her hand.

New prisoners
Asmaa, 19 years old, from Hebron.
Suad el'Amad, 29 years old, from Nablus.

Alaa Hagaiga, 21 years old, from Ramallah,
was arrested on 5 December 2006.
On 27 December 2007she was sentenced to two years.

Shifaa elKudsi, from Tulkarem, was arrested
on 29 August 2002 and released on 10 January 2008.
The prison authorities did not allow her to meet her brother
who is a prisoner in the same prison.

Taghreed elSa'adi, from Sakhnin, was arrested on
16 April 2002 and released on 15 January 2008.

Nariman Bsis, was released on 15 January 2008.

Ruba elTalib, 19 years old, from Salfit,
was arrested on 14 January 2007 and
released on 16 January 2008.

Ahlam Kamiz, from Tulkarem Refugee Camp,
was arrested on 22 November 2006 and
released on 27 January 2008.
Two of her brothers are political prisoners in the
Israeli jails. During the 14 months that she was a
prisoners, the prison authorities allowed her to
meet only one of her brothers and only once.
Rania Diab, from Jenin district, was arrested on
21 April 2002 and released on 2 February 2008.

Neve Tirza prison (Ramle)

Amneh Muna, 30 years old, from Jerusalem,
has been held in separation for more than 17 months.
On 6 January she stopped her hunger strike after 24 days.
When she was on hunger strike the prisoner authorities
transferred her to the prison clinic, and for four days her
hands and legs were tied to the bed because the authorities
forced her to get infusions.
On 7 January, the prison authorities transferred her to
Kishon detention center (Jalame) to a cell with better
conditions. Only just before she was transferred from
Neve Tirza, the prison authorities handed over the mail
she had received: About 300 letters from abroad.

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