Thursday, February 7

Israel gets unsettling tourism score.

Tourists have mixed feelings about their visits to Israel,

a government-commissioned poll found -
like a double hit of Montezuma's revenge with loose
stool and that feeling that someone is going to put a
bullet through your head as you sit in some
Israeli bar having a cuba libre.

According to a Tourism Ministry survey released
this week, visitors to Israel, when asked to rate their
sense of value-for-money on a scale of 1 to 5,
gave an average score of 3.6.

Tourists voiced satisfaction with Israel's natural assets
and security, and gave low marks to municipal
sanitation authorities, rude motorists, and the
nastiest taxi drivers on the planet.

Israel is on a drive to boost tourism ahead of its
60th Independence Day celebrations in May.
Trouble is that most US Jews opt to go to Paris or
Berlin instead of the garrison state of Eretz Ysriol.

Mostly tourists have found that Jewish thuggery
has left its mark on the faces of many Jews.
Unsmiling, rancorous, argumentive and always
the ceaseless 'Chutzpah.'

Many US Jews doing 'Aliyah' in Israel would die at
the though of getting 'stuck' in a war-like apartheidnik
1/2 acre of Zionist hell where everyone walks around
with a loaded Uzi or assault 'Galil' rifle. They rush back
to the US after they stay is completed and promise themselves
never to return to this garrison state of war crazy nuts and zealots.


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