Saturday, February 9

The Gertler Steinmetz Bling Bang Torah Gang: ISRAEL AND THE ONGOING HOLOCAUST IN CONGO

"while Africans are victims of perpetual Holocaust, the persecutors
hide behind history, complaining that they are the persecuted,
or pretending they are the saviors."

Maurice Templesman is one of big funders of Barrack Obama,
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. Templesman
was the unofficial ambassador to the Congo (Zaire) for
years, always working the CIA and Mobutu to instill terror
and steal minerals, but a new Israeli-American tycoon
has replaced him.

In the world of bling bling and bling bang, some things
change, some stay the same. The CIA, MOSSAD,
the big mining companies, the offshore accounts
and weapons deals—all are hidden by Western media.
The holocaust in Central Africa has claimed some six
to ten million people in Congo since 1996, with 1500
people dying daily.[1] But while Africans are victims
of perpetual Holocaust, the persecutors hide behind
history, complaining that they are the persecuted,
or pretending they are the saviors. Who is responsible?
For The Full Story :
download pdf

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