Friday, February 8

Call to US Citizens denied entry in Israel/Palestine and more

Mazin Qumsiyeh

In this message: Examples of what individuals
can do (after all silence is complicity), Article on
Obama and Clinton, Urgent Action alert to US
Citizens denied entry to Israeli/Palestine,
and media alert on launch of 4th International
Israeli Apartheid week

Examples of what individuals can do
(one Democrat, one Republican):

From Bill:
At last night's Democratic Party precinct
caucus in Northfield, Minnesota, I was able to get
two resolutions passed.

The first one called for the United States to restore diplomatic
relations and direct negotiations with the government of Iran.

The other resolution said that, until Israel removes its
military presence from the West Bank, that the United
States should end all financial aid to Israel, except
for humanitarian aid specifically intended for those
who have suffered due to the conflict between
Israel and the Palestinians.
Bill McGrath, delegate for U.S. Senate candidate
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer
From Andy:
Great job, Bill.

I attended the Republican caucus held last night at the
Greenvale Town Hall, with the intention of supporting a
genuine peace candidate, Ron Paul.

My resolution was short and sweet: that all foreign aid
payments from the US treasury should cease immediately,
until our government gets its debt and deficit spending
under control. This resolution was first met with
stunned silence-- most of the resolutions at this type
of event are usually routine: pro-life stuff, support
for the troops, etc.

In the discussion that followed, I pointed out that the
largest recipient of our foreign aid dollars is Israel, a
country with a high standard of living (at least for
those Israelis getting the money). I argued that the
aid was more a function of who had lobbying power
in Washington, and that the aid going to such
nations as Egypt and Pakistan is really at the
behest of Israel, to prop up unpopular regimes
there that are to Israel's liking.

My resolution failed, but only by a razor thin margin.
It was the old guard who voted against it; I was pleased to
see most of the newcomers and younger folks voting in
favor. I think there is broad grass roots opposition to
foreign aid out there among both liberals and conservatives,
Democrats and Republicans. I believe the root of the
problems in the Middle East is our government's
support of the Zionist regime. An effective method of
confronting this policy that is sure to gain broad-based
support among our fellow citizens is to question the
whole idea of foreign aid payments in general.

-Andy Korkven

P.S. Ron Paul received only three votes out of
35 at our caucus's straw poll. Romney won by a
couple votes, followed closely by McCain and Huckabee.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a great deal of vocal
hostility to McCain's candidacy. Several people,
including myself, declared publicly that if McCain
receives the nomination, they would cross the aisle
and vote for Obama in the general election.
(Must read) Questions They Weren't Asked:
The Great Clinton-Obama Debate By RALPH NADER,
CounterPunch, February 2/3, 2008



The US State Department in Washington DC and the US
Consulate in East Jerusalem have been following up on
the current situation of US citizens denied entry in recent
years. This is an excellent opportunity for us to alert US
government representatives of the ongoing harm caused
by Israel's continued practice of entry denial on an arbitrary
and unlawful basis.

While some individuals denied entry have, with great
persistence and often at significant cost, managed to
re-enter, we know that the majority of those denied
entry have not been able to re-enter the oPt. Moreover,
those who have been able to re-enter have often been
issued visas of a short duration and, when these all too
quickly expire, they have faced the difficult choice of
exiting and again facing denial of entry or remaining in
the oPt without a valid visa.

If you have been denied entry and have not yet been
able to return or have faced harassment or
discriminatory treatment at Israeli borders, please join us
in challenging false claims by Israeli authorities that this
issue has been resolved. We know that the issue
continues to cause suffering and undue harm to numerous
individuals and families. We need to hold the US
Government and other third states responsible for putting an
end to entry denials; this requires our documentation.

US government representatives are asking for evidence.
Let's give it to them. Let's flood them with our stories!

We would like to compile as many stories as possible
in the next 2 weeks so that we can send them to relevant
US government officials en masse.

Please remember, that even if you prefer to remain
unidentified, your unanimous story can make a valuable
contribution to overall statistics from which we can
establish trends and report impact. We are committed
to respecting all requests for confidentiality.

What to do:

1. If you have not already done so, file a report with the
Campaign regarding your denial(s) of entry, please do so
at. Click here for the form:

If you have trouble downloading the form, let us know
and we will forward it to you as an attachment.

2. If you have not already filed a report on all your entry
denials, please consider doing so. You can send the US
Consulate your denial of entry report using this form:

If you have trouble downloading the form, let us know
and we will forward it to you as an attachment.

Or, if you prefer, we would be happy to forward your report,
if you send it to us. (For reasons of confidentiality, we will only
do this if you specifically request us to do so.)

3. Update the Campaign and relevant US government
representatives on whether you have managed to re-enter or not.
� If you've attempted to return, let us know if you've been
successful or not.

�Provide a full description of the impact entry denial has had
and/or continues to have on your life, that of your family and
the ability you have to contribute to the social and economic
development of the oPt.

� If you haven't tried, let us know why and under what
conditions you might try to return

If you prefer, we can forward your story to the US Consulate in
East Jerusalem and other relevant government officials. (Again,
for reasons of confidentiality, we will only do this at your
specific request.)

4. Assist us in compiling stories and encourage/help
friends and family members who have been denied
entry to take the above steps.

The successful return of individuals previously denied
entry and the unhindered entry of others is made possible
by organized civic action involving a broad alliance of
concerned individuals and organizations within the
Palestinian, Israeli and international communities.
We need to double our efforts to put an end to Israel's denial
of entry policy. Random and piecemeal "alleviation" of the
unlawful practice of entry denial is no substitute for its abolition.

If you wish to contact US representatives directly,
please consider sending your story to:

1) Mr Jake Walles, US Consul General,
US Consulate, East Jerusalem

2) Ms Angie C Smith, Assistant to the Consul General,
US Consulate East Jerusalem


4) Your relevant congressional representatives.

5) To help the Campaign's advocacy efforts on this issue,
please also cc or forward your correspondence to

As another year gets under way and Israel persists
in arbitrarily deny entry and in discriminatory treatment
against those attempting to enter or stay in the oPt,
we need to call on our government representatives to
demand an end to Israel's persistent violations of
international law.

Together we can defeat this policy. Act now! Send
your stories by 12 February.


Israeli Apartheid Week 2008 was officially launched on
Sunday, February 3rd in Soweto, South Africa. Exiled
Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset, Azmi Bishara,
addressed his lecture on the 60th anniversary of the Palestinian
Nakba, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were
displaced from their land to become what remains one of
the world�s largest refugee populations. Bishara spoke under
the banner 'Silenced in Apartheid Israel - Welcomed in Soweto�
alongside prominent South Africans such as Eddie Maque,
General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches.

Speaking in South Africa, Bishara states, �
Reconciliation happened in South Africa after apartheid
was dismantled, not instead. The message sent to the
Palestinians is that you have to make peace and reconciliate.
We can reconciliate after racism and occupation is dismantled.�
Dr. Bishara�s lecture will be screened during the week in
participating cities around the world.

The 4th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is taking
place in 25 cities from February 3-19 2008. Concurrent
events are being held in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom,
the United States, South Africa, and Palestine. IAW will feature
lectures, film screenings, cultural activities, and demonstrations
aimed at raising awareness about Israel�s apartheid policies
toward Palestinians and to gather support for the international
boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaign. The demands
of this campaign are: full equality for Arab- Palestinian citizens
of Israel, an end to the occupation and colonization of all Arab
lands, and the protection of Palestinian refugees� right to
return pursuant to UN resolution 194.

�It has become imperative for people around the world
to isolate the Israeli apartheid regime, especially in the
face of governments� failure to ensure respect for human
rights and to hold Israel accountable before international
law and countless U.N. resolutions� said Ahmad Shokr,
an organizer of IAW in New York City. Shokr adds that �
by supporting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions
campaign the international community can bring an end to
Israeli apartheid and work toward a future of justice,
equality and peace.�
For more details and the full schedule,
please go to .

Media Contacts:
United States: +646 312-0143
or israeliapartheidwee
Canada: +647 831 5516 or saia@riseup. net
South Africa: +27 (0) 842119988 or witspsc@gmail. com
United Kingdom: +447 870 341537
Palestine: +972-599649815 or global@stopthewall. org

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

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