Saturday, January 5

Voice of Palestine and Coop Radio Under Attack

Please forward to your email lists.

Dear friends and supporters:

Vancouver Coop Radio is up for its licence renewal with the CRTC (see and we are asking for your support in making sure that Voice of Palestine (VOP) and Coop Radio stay on the air. Coop has a long history of alternative radio broadcasting and giving a voice to the voiceless in Canada. Furthermore, there was a recent complaint sent to the CRTC by pro-Israel advocates attacking VOP for using the term "ethnic cleansing" in regards to Israeli government policies in the occupied Palestinian territories. We were also referred to as "inflammatory" and accused of working to "slander the citizens of Israel and indirectly the Jewish people". In fact, VOP is one of the few genuinely independent voices with no sectarian agenda that is still emphasizing the inalienable human and national rights of all the Palestinians i.e we do not support any government body, be it Israeli or Palestinian. We also have a long history of involving progressive Israeli and Jewish voices on our program.

Therefore, it is extremely important that our listeners and supporters across Canada tell the CRTC that Coop Radio and VOP play a pivotal role in informing the Canadian public and bringing vital information to people that would otherwise not be available. Please send positive and supportive messages to the CRTC highlighting VOP's 20 year history in helping to promote peace with justice in the Middle East. Please find below the steps involved in contacting the CRTC, either electronically, by fax or by mail.

In Solidarity
Voice of Palestine Collective

Filing an intervention for Vancouver Co-operative Radio’s License Renewal

Deadline for interventions: Jan. 23, 2008

Vancouver Co-operative Radio’s license to broadcast is up for renewal with the CRTC. It would be of great value to us if the CRTC was aware of all of the community members and organizations that support our continued broadcasting. In order to register your support for Vancouver Co-op Radio’s license renewal, you must file an intervention with the CRTC. You can file in one of 3 ways:
· by using the electronic interventions/comments form located on the CRTC’s web site at under “Public Proceedings” then by selecting “Interventions/
Comments Forms” or, by selecting the link below the description of each application
within the Notice of Public hearing also located on the CRTC’s web site under “Public
Proceedings”; or

· by fax to the Secretary General 819-994-0218; or
· by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2.
Filing Electronically is the easiest way to file. Here are more detailed instructions if you need them.

Filing an electronic intervention for Vancouver Co-operative Radio:

Step 1: Click on Notice #2007-18
Step 2: Check the box beside # 200718215: Vancouver Co-operative Radio (we’re at the bottom of the list). Press NEXT.
Step 3: Choose Support. Add your comments about why you think Vancouver Co-operative’s Radio license should be renewed. Or, you can attach a document. Press NEXT.
Step 4: This year, Vancouver Co-operative Radio is required to be present at an oral public hearing. If you would like to make comments in support of Vancouver Co-operative Radio at this hearing, choose “Request to appear”. Otherwise, choose “do not want to appear”. Press NEXT.
Step 5: Enter all required contact information. According to CRTC rules, you must send us a copy of your intervention. You can do this by e-mailing a copy of your letter of support to or you can press the PRINT button in Step 6 and send us a hard copy (our address is below).
Step 6: Confirm all the information you are submitting. If you need to print a copy of the intervention, you can press PRINT. Press SUBMIT.

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