Canada currently being operated
by Harper has Canada not
supporting preparations for a
UN anti-racism conference
planned for Durban, South Africa,
next year.
Canadian Jewish Congress praised
Canadian officials for pulling their
support for the conference,
no surprise there.
The 2001 World Conference Against
Racism in Durban highlighted divisions
between the developing and developed world.
It also showed the seething anger in much of the
Arab world against Zionism, the international
movement that helped establish Israel
the well known Anti-Semitism trump card
and they walked out in protest.
Last month, a prominent Israeli newspaper
reported that Israeli diplomats were working behind
the scenes to convince the Europeans, the U.S., and
"like-minded" countries such as Canada, to boycott and
even de-fund the conference.
The NDP said Canada needs to be at the table in Durban.
"I think Canada needs to be there even if we
bring a different perspective and can say something
differently than other people in the world," said
British Columbia MP Bill Siksay.
Canada was the ONLY country that voted
against a resolution that:
"demands that the occupying Power, Israel,
lift immediately the siege it has imposed on the
occupied Gaza Strip, restore continued supply of fuel,
food and medicine and reopen the border crossings;
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