Wednesday, January 23

Israel may have to strike!

Andrew Silvera

Israel may have to strike: (yeh yeh BS!)

Bolton Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said
yesterday that Israel may have to take military action to
prevent Iran from acquiring an atomic bomb.

It's not them, it's US! All of us, every concerned
citizen of this war weary world. Deep concern is
shallow justice
. What is the point, of going to school,
college, university, getting a degree in law, then getting
paid to write this stuff up, just to let some megalomaniac
urinate all over it? I ask you, what is the point?
It's almost five years now since some 20 million people
around the world marched against the impending carnage
about to be unleashed against Iraq but it wasn't enough!
It's almost five years now since:

"I really can't believe that something like this can happen in the
world without a bigger outcry about it.... This has to stop.
I think it
is a good idea for us all to drop everything and devote
our lives to making this stop."

Rachel Corrie was bulldozed by Israeli Defence Forces while
the world's media, no doubt, had its eyes on Iraq Mar 16th 2003.

After following the situation in Gaza these last few months I have grown to
completely agree with Ms Corrie but also realise that the overall problem is
a whole lot bigger than one little lawbreaker in the Middle-East. I don't know
who's in charge of Stop the War Coalition but rather than traipsing round
our capitols again to very little, if any effect, we need to do something
more drastic and I say, STRIKE, all out, until at least some credibility is
returned to all known International Law, which is daily being brought
into disrepute.
American Pressure Thwarts UN Censure
of Gaza Strip Blockade
By Shlomo Shamir and Barak Ravid,
Haaretz Correspondents, and News Agencies
The United Nations Security Council will not
approve a resolution condemning Israel over
the closure of the Gaza Strip, due to
pressure applied by the United States.
"The Security Council calls upon Israel
to abide by its obligations under international
law including humanitarian and human rights
law and immediately cease all its illegal measures
and practices against the Palestinian civilian
population in the Gaza Strip," continued the
draft statement.


Humanitarian Impact of Israel's
Blockade of Gaza
2 Minute Video Report
Gaza's 1.5 million residents are struggling to
cope without electricity and other basic necessities
on the fourth day of an Israeli blockade. Hospitals
have begun to run short of fuel for generators, and
sewage has spilled out onto the streets.

Nazi practices in Gaza
Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:07:54
By Ismail Salami
The ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza
Strip caused by the Israeli regime by sealing its
border crossings with the territory as part of punitive
sanctions has brought a more catastrophic dimension
to the 1.5 million people living there and plunged them
into cold, darkness, hunger and health crisis. –
Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, collective
punishment is considered a war crime. Article 33
of the Fourth Convention states, "No protected
person may be punished for an offence he or she
has not personally committed," and "collective
penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation
or of terrorism are prohibited."

Also article 50 of the Laws and Customs of War on
Land (Hague IV) stipulates that "No general penalty,
pecuniary or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the
population on account of the acts of individuals for
which they cannot be regarded as jointly and
severally responsible."

However, the fact does not seem to apply to
the Gaza Strip which is practically the largest
open-air prison in the world. The Israeli regime
is resorting to any means of brute force to subject
the Gazans to abject poverty, and political and
geographical domination.

Collective punishment was widely used by the
Nazis as a cruel method to terrify and control
an occupied population.
An unlawful policy of collective punishment

"The siege of Gaza has reached a vicious new
intensity. Last Thursday, Israel blocked the
delivery of fuel oil supplies to the Strip. The result
is that Gaza's only power station has not
functioned since the weekend. Hundred of
thousands of homes in the territory have
been left without power."
I can't for the life of me believe that the
UK Gov has not even considered a One
State solution of late, primitive or what?
Written Answers - Foreign and
Commonwealth Affairs:
Middle East: Armed Conflict (21 Jan 2008)

Kim Howells: The UK has made no recent
assessment of the viability of
such a solution. Our position remains
that the solution to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a two
states solution: a democratic
viable Palestinian state living in peace,
side by side with Israel.
If the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza is any
example of what a two-state solution will be like,
I think they had better start making an assessment.

It's not only International Law where there should
be some kind of Stewards Inquiry but world
religion too; do these morons actually think
the world wants to see a Holy Land with a
Berlin Wall, driven like a stake, through the
capital of some of the world's main religions?
It's obscene! There are no comments to that
statement by Mr Howells yet but here's one
for ye; 'F**k off, you Zionist pricks!'

Since upon its inception the Palestinian
and Arab world's cries of complaint regards
the Balfour Declaration and the partitioning
of Palestine have gone unheard and been
paid no attention to whatever. If there was
a single iota of justice in this world, then the
Palestinian people deserve a full and equal
right of return and massive reparations.

It is well about time that politicians began to
represent people and not business and started
to listen, rather than reeling out the
meaningless rhetorical drivel that we have
become so accustomed to. It's about time
we all began to hear the cries of people
who care, like Rachel Corrie. I think it is
about time that we all began to question
who and what we are working for and
towards and for us all to DOWN TOOLS
until we are given a better picture than
merely more, dirty, bloody, capitalist war!

So it is not Israel who may have to strike,
Israel strikes against Human Rights
everyday and should be brought to
justice but it is us; We The People,
who may very well have to STRIKE!
Against the Siege on Gaza, the
occupation of Palestine, Iraq &
Afghanistan, war with Iran -
unite the cause and STRIKE.


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