Wednesday, January 30

The importance of writing letters to the editor

Please get in the habit of writing letters
to the mainstream media on
the various Palestinian issues.

Journalists will tell you they are always
shocked at how little Arab
Canadians interact with the media.
Frequently newspapers will receive
20 or 50 or even more letters or
complaints from the Israeli lobby on
an issue but will receive only one or
shockingly even NO letters from
Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians and
the solidarity community.

True even when we write it is a
challenge to be published. But keep

Keep your letters short. Absolutely
no more than 150 words, less is
better. Speak on only one topic or point
at a time. Leave the next
point or argument for the next letter.

Be polite. Focus on facts. Some people
interpret an emotional letter
as the writer being irrational and therefore
not convincing.

Include your name, daytime telephone
number and address (it will not
be published, it's just for verification purposes).
Most newspapers
phone the letter writer before a letter is published.

If your letter is not published or if you see that no
letters are published which challenge the perspective
of the Israeli-lobby, you can complain to the
newspaper's ombudsman about lack of journalistic
Publishing letters on only one side of
the argument shows "bias".

The email address, fax number and mailing
address for letters to the editor and the
ombudsman are included in the newspapers
and on their websites.

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