Friday, January 4


Author: Khalid Amayreh
January - March 2008
Volume 41 , Issue 1
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Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reportedly was riding her
exercise bike when the TV announced that Hamas had routed the pro-Western
Fatah party at the polls. Stunned, she phoned the State Department
to find out what had happened.

We phoned Khalid Amayreh. An American-educated journalist based in
the West Bank town of Hebron, he is a former al-Jazeera correspondent
who now writes for the Cairo-based Al-Ahram Weekly and the Palestine
Information Center. I met Khalid some 20 years ago in Hebron where I
remember him describing the occupation as "frozen rage."
That rage has erupted over the years in the form of two intifadas and the
emergence of the Islamic movement Hamas.

We asked Khalid the obvious questions: What sort of organization is Hamas?
Why should its electoral victory—a fair one by all accounts—not have surprised
Ms Rice? And what, if any, role will this Islamic government play in the
post-Annapolis process? Readers with questions of their own or
comments for Khalid can e-mail him at

—John F. Mahoney, Executive Director, January 2008


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