Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed that Israel
would not ignore any calls for its obliteration.
In his speech to the Knesset, Olmert refered
to some of the favourite ingredients of the Zionist
poison kitchen. "We will not permit ourselves to be
complacent to the sounds of voices calling for the
obliteration of Israel, which are backed by
murderous and jealous ideologies, tyrannical regimes,
supporters of terrors and malicious programs to develop
weapons of massive destruction."
He wants to make us believe that Israel
was surrounded by neighbours poised at finishing
Hitler’s job of exterminating the Jewish people.
I won't even go into the question how on earth
Israel's neighbours could possibly 'obliterate' a
country with the 5th strongest military force in
the world and enough atomic weapons - plus all the
delivery systems they could wish for - to wipe out
the entire planet. What I want to write about is this
neo-pagan ritual of 'Memorial Day', commemorating
the day when Auschwitz was 'liberated' by Soviet troops.
(Anybody upset with the use of apostrophs for the word
'liberated' should read Elie Wiesel's The Night to find
out how he felt about the approaching Red Army.)
It is a tell-tale sign of 'Jewish Power' that it is
illegal in most Western countries to question
whether Hitler ever had a plan to kill all European
Jews. According to many revisionists, Hitler was
actually working with Zionist organisations on their
common goal of transferring Europe’s Jews to
Palestine. Some of them even go as far as saying
that Hitler was an extra-marital grandson of the
Viennese House of Rothschilds brought into power
by the merchant bankers to create the conditions
for the foundation of a Jewish state.
What fits into that disturbing picture is that the
Nazis allowed Zionist organisations to run training
camps in Nazi Germany, featuring Zionist flags with
the David Star and preparing future settlers
for a life in the Holy Land.
Zionists are facing the same embarrassing problem
with their alleged Nazi extermination programme as
the Neopaths with Iraq’s and Iran’s supposed weapons
of mass destruction. They have no proof other than
witness reports based on hear-say and coerced
confessions. The revisionists are insistant that there
were no written orders, no paper trails and no
homicidal gas chambers, not even engineering
designs, that could have been used for the alleged
purpose, for technical, capacity, logistical and a whole
string of other reasons. That would explain why
Holocaust novellist Ellie Wiesel described in his
above mentioned ‘autobiography’ how the Auschwitz
prisoners, who weren’t too sick from typhus, begged
their German prison guards to rescue them from
the approaching Soviet 'liberators'.
I don't consider myself a Holocaust expert, but
common sense is telling me that the revisionists
are probably right. Apart from Nikor - who is as
bad at debunking as Popular Mechanics - nobody
has ever bothered trying to counter the revisionists’
arguments. Instead, they are systematically destroyed
by a well oiled Kosher Inquisition, in a blatant
infringement on their freedom of expression. In
German courts, who routinely imprison hundreds
of Holocaust heretics every year for 'incitement',
revisionists aren’t even allowed to defend themselves
by providing proof for the incriminated claims.
The judges simply declare the Holocaust as ‘self-evident
truth’ and order the defendants and their councils to
shut up. If the council persists, he gets imprisoned too,
loses his license or both.
The Holocaust promoters allege that those who question
the official narrative are promoting ‘hate’. What a load
of crap. Since when is defending an accused of an alleged
crime a crime itself, especially if the circumstances of
his conviction are that dubious? The procedures of the
Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal didn’t have the
slightest resemblance to what’s called ‘due process’,
and yet asking for a retrial puts an end to anybody’s
career. What kind of Orwellian nightmare are we in
where we are bullied to blindly believe what we are told?
There is plenty of evidence that our governments
and media are controlled by groups and people
benefiting from the Holocaust story. And there is
even more evidence that our governments and media
have no qualms about lying to us again and again.
What’s happening here is that we are being brainwashed
by repetition of the same lies from the cradle to the grave.
What’s even worse is that we are being forced by
taboos and the threat of legal persecution not to question
the official version of the truth. It takes courageous people
with a lot of character to resist the power
of this evil machine.
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