Wednesday, December 5

I think we are in a marathon race with the Zionist movement



Dear readers;

Please carefully read the above two below articles. I think we are in a marathon race with the Zionist movement, who are trying to rip us off our rights on our land , imprison us inside a state without any future, resources or sovereignty.

Our struggle continues today but on the new/ old political vision. To remind you all, until 1988, PLO political program adopted the one state solution. The resistance and struggle was held under this slogan. However, under Zionists allies pressure, who predicted early enough that the Palestinians demographic growth and the Palestinian Intifada, will necessary lead to the one state solution. Therefore, through their allies they have succeeded to manipulate the weak PLO to make the first concision to Israel, followed by Oslo reaching to Annapolis..etc

Today, we , the Palestinian people, without this defeated leadership, hold the responsibility to revive our national project again, maintain our attachment to the land, history and values of freedom and justice .

We have to get ready to address our cuase from the prespective of one state -based solution, on principles of equality, justice, freedom and democacy for all of its citiznes regadless their origin, relegoin of race.

This is our only exit from the Zionist trap. Israel lives a historical night mare, going though serous value crises, demography ghost and right of return chases them into their beds, so why we release pressure on this racist, colonialist society? why we want to help them to stay racist and oppressors with the two states slogan? Its about the time to stop talking this language and get to real work. More than ever The world is ready, to hear us talking this language. We will gain all debates and support if we address the world differently.

Please comment.......

Hanan Aruri

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 am

    I could not agree more - after just 3 weeks spent in Palestine - i have worked for many years against apartheid - including in South Africa last year - and I cannot see the the two state path as leading to anything different in practice given the complete Israeli dominance of the region. Many supporters of apartheid also wanted a multi state solution with Blacks living in white security-controlled client states.
    Another reason - Look at the vast Israeli and US investment in the West Bank - it is clearly a real estate bonanza based on free Arab land that in practice has made anything but a one state solution impractical
