Saturday, December 15

2008 witnesses 60 years of Nakba

مع اقتراب انتهاء هذا العام 2007 أذكركم بأن العالم شهد مظاهرات لا بأس بها تطالب بإنهاء الاحتلال الذي بدأ منذ 1967 (أربعون عاماً) مثل التي بالأسفل

العام القادم 2008 أي خلال أيام، يصادف الذكرى الستين لنكبة شعب فلسطين التي بدأت عام 1948، وتحديداً في 15/5

وبعد أن تأكد لنا أن إسرائيل لا تريد الحل، وتجرّنا للتخلي عن كل فلسطين والتخلي عن حق العودة وعن القدس وعن كل شيء، يزداد تمسكنا بفلسطين "كل فلسطين" وبحق العودة لكل اللاجئين إلى بيوتهم وأراضيهم التي هجّروا منها في حيفا ويافا وعكا وكل المدن الفلسطينية. فليكن عام 2008 عام إحياء العودة، بعد ستون عاماً على النكبة.

وكل عام وأنتم وكل اللاجئين في كل مكان بخير وسلامة.

حازم القواسمي

Last year witnessed peaceful marches for the 40th anniversary of Israeli military occupation that started in 1967

This coming year we witness the 60th anniversary of the NAKBA on the 15th of May 2008.

Let us show the whole world how much the right of return is important to us.

Happy holidays for you and all the Palestinian refugees wherever they are.

Hazem kawasmi

Saturday, June 09, 2007

London sees biggest ever Palestine protest

Thousands marched through central London this afternoon in the capital's biggest ever pro-Palestinian protest, given particular topicality in view of the 40th anniversary of the 1967 war. Not that you'd know it from the BBC, which seems to have completely blanked the protest. It was a very much bigger march than the two previous ones I've been on. The organisers put the turn-out at 20,000 and I'm prepared to believe this is not an exaggeration, having watched the entire procession go past.

The march went from Lincoln's Inn Fields, down Kingsway, the long way round Aldwych and along The Strand to Trafalgar Square.

Here's some pics. I was just about to leave when London's other protest arrived - the naked cyclists. Pics of them another day. I was amused to find myself next to a couple of American tourists, who were stunned to find themselves in a London which seemed to consist entirely of nudes on bicycles and thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters. What is going on, they wailed to each other. Why are they doing this?

That's the Hackney solidarity banner...


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