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Israeli Authorities demolish Arab houses in Negev
Israeli authorities continued their assaults against Arab villages in the Negev and demolished nine houses in Wadi Al Ni'am and Al Surra unrecognized Arab villages in the Negev. The Regional Council of the Unrecognized Villages slammed the assault which is part of previous similar attacks.
Senior Palestinian official warns of Israel's land seizure in East Jerusalem
Over the past three weeks more than six thousand dunums of lands of the east Jerusalem surroundings were confiscated under the terms of Israel's so called 'E2 plan', stated Hatim Abed al Qader, advisor of Jerusalem affairs for the Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr Salam Fayyad, on Wednesday.
Patients dying at closed Erez checkpoint, Appeal, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel
Barely two weeks since extensive media attention successfully compelled Israel to allow access to lifesaving care for patients through Erez Crossing, Israeli policies at the crossing lead to a repetition of a similar crisis:
* Sixteen patients in life-endangering condition stranded in Gaza without proper care due to "security prohibitions"
* Permit-bearing cancer patient detained a full day at Erez Crossing and ordered to return
* Two permit-bearing patients die within one week at Erez Crossing
* Erez Crossing closed again since 28 October 2007
Two injured in the weekly non-violent Bil'in protest
On Friday a number of International and Israeli peace activists joined the villagers of Bil'in near the central west Bank city of Ramallah, in their weekly protest against the illegal wall. The main theme of Friday's protest was the 90th anniversary Balfour Agreement promised to the Jewish movement of an independent Jewish country in Palestine.
PCHR Weekly Report: 15 Palestinians killed, 29 injured, 78 kidnapped
The Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) has released its weekly report on Israeli human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza for the week of October 25th – 31st, 2007. During the week, Israeli forces killed 15 Palestinians, including a disabled civilian.
Roof occupation in Hebron
Six soldiers began occupying the roof of the house of the Ewawy family in the old city of Hebron, while only a 14 year old girl, who had just returned from school, was at home. The girl began screaming for help, and neighbors called for international human rights workers (HRWs) to come.
Israeli forces escalate air strikes on Beit Hanoun; open fire on civilians in Rafah
Israeli military forces resumed their policy of dropping missiles on crowded urban areas in the Gaza Strip city of Beit Hanoun on Thursday. The Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported that Israeli jets dropped at least ten missiles in several areas in Beit Hanoun, causing several injuries and huge amounts of property damage.
Female detainee on hunger strike for fourth day
Palestinian detainee Amna Mona, in solitary confinement in Al Ramla Israeli detention facility, continued on Thursday her hunger strike for the fourth day in protest to the ongoing violations and illegal acts against her as she remains in solitary confinement since one year.
Palestinian Child Prisoners
Jenin under siege since the beginning of October
The city of Jenin, in the northern West Bank, has faced 35 military invasions, intensified roadblocks and increased incidents of humiliation by Israeli forces since the beginning of October.
Israeli officials deny tripartite team to begin work on roadmap
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad says a Palestinian-American-Israeli commission on implementing the first stage of the road map peace plan will soon begin work, but Israeli officials deny the report. According to Fayad Thursday, the commission will consist of himself, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and U.S. security coordinator Keith Dayton.
Barak seeks another extension on plan to evacuate outposts
Defense Minister Ehud Barak asked the High Court of Justice on Thursday to grant him a two-month extension to formulate a final plan for the removal of illegal West Bank settlement outposts. The request was submitted by the state prosecution on the defense minister's behalf, during a hearing on a Peace Now petition for the removal of the Migron outpost.
Ex-Minister Aloni: Barak should be tried by UN
Defense minister most dangerous man in Israel, guilty of crimes against humanity, former education minister says.
Fatah targets mosques in latest anti-Hamas campaign
The Palestinian Fatah-led government has mounted a crackdown on preachers from the rival Hamas movement, arresting or sacking clerics accused of spreading political dissent. The Fatah campaign, which is being enforced across the West Bank, is a reaction to the violent Hamas takeover of Gaza in June and marks a widening divide between the two factions and territories.
Abbas, Hamas leaders pray together in W. Bank
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and three senior Hamas officials prayed together on Friday noon in a mosque near Abbas' headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the first time since mid-June when Hamas defeat Abbas' Fatah and seized the Gaza Strip.
Abbas Holds Rare Meeting With Hamas
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with members of Hamas on Friday for the first time since the militant group ousted his forces and took over the Gaza Strip in June.
The siege of Gaza is going to lead to a violent escalation
Far from helping settle the Middle East conflict, the US and Europe are fuelling it with their contempt for democracy.
PA police forces to deploy in Nablus today
Hundreds of Palestinian police officers are expected to deploy today in the West Bank city of Nablus, following talks yesterday evening on the issue between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The talks were held after Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad reached an agreement in principle on the deployment roughly one and a half months ago.
Gov't defends decision to curb power supply to Gaza Strip
In a letter to the High Court of Justice, State Prosecution on Friday defended the government's decision to curb the supply of fuel and electricity to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, claiming it is not a form of collective punishment.
Saudi Arabia questions US intentions at upcoming summit
Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, has expressed a willingness to 'normalize' relations with Israel, if Israel does its part in truly resolving the conflict with the Palestinians. But at the same time, he stated that he is doubtful that the US has the best intentions in calling for a peace summit later this month.
West Bank fence driving out Christians
The Archbishop of Canterbury said Wednesday Israel's security fence in the West Bank has prompted the regional Christian population to decline drastically. Speaking with The Jerusalem Post, Dr. Rowan Williams said that the security barrier has brought socioeconomic hardships to the West Bank that have driven out a sizable portion of the area's Christian population.
Al Aqsa Foundation warns of new Israeli excavation south of the Al Aqsa Mosque
The Al Aqsa Foundation for rebuilding Islamic Holy Sites, warned on Thursday from the dangers of new Israeli excavations carried only fifty meters away from the southern wall of the Al Aqsa mosque, and only a few meters away from the walls of the Old City.
Olmert seeks accord on 'core issues' within a year
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hopes to reach an agreement on all the core issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict within a year, the premier said in conversations with both Israeli officials and foreign diplomats over the last few days.
A parallel PLO
The Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA) has been making frantic efforts to block the "national conference" that the Hamas-led opposition plans to convene in Damascus to highlight their rejection of the upcoming US- sponsored conference in Annapolis, Maryland, scheduled for November or early December. The conference in the Syrian capital was due to take place on 7 November but has been postponed, reportedly in order to coincide with the Annapolis.
PFLP and DFLP to boycott Gaza summit
Two left-wing Palestinian factions, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestiner (DFLP) have both announced that they will not attend a proposed international conference in the Gaza Strip intended to oppose the international peace summit in the US city of Annapolis.
As the world forgets Gaza
It was an emotional scene. Relief was apparent on the faces of Mohamed Al-Masri and his wife Rania as they followed the nurse transferring their firstborn, 12-year-old Ahmed, from the operating room in Dar Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. The medical team had finally been able to perform surgery in Ahmed's ear to recover his hearing after Israel had temporarily barred the import of nitrous oxide, which is used as anaesthesia and is necessary for surgery to be performed. Israel had given permission to import this vital gas to Gaza Strip hospitals only the day prior to Ahmed's operation last week.
90th Anniversary Of Balfour Declaration
This Friday, Jews across the world will recall one of the most important documents in the history of modern Zionism.
In case you missed it: Truman Overrode Strong State Department Warning Against Partitioning of Palestine in 1947
On Sept. 22, 1947, Loy Henderson strongly warned Secretary of State George C. Marshall that partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states was not workable and would lead to untold troubles in the future.
In case you missed it: Origin of Arab-Israeli Conflict: [PDF]
The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes - on both sides - inevitably follow from this original injustice.
Nabila becomes the first Muslim woman in Israel to drive a bus
One of Israel's more primitive stereotypes is against the female driver, so it's no wonder heads turn when people see a woman behind the wheel of a bus. And not only is Nabila one of the country's few female bus drivers, she is the first Muslim to drive a bus, which makes her a particular rarity in her profession.
Anti-Apartheid Demonstration this Sunday near Beit Ur
On Sunday, at 10 am, November 4th a demonstration against the apartheid road system will take place on the Israeli-only 443 highway. The demonstration will take place at the bridge near Beit Ur that runs above the Palestinian only tunnel that runs beneath the highway.
The Chorus of Slander on Palestine: Our Lobby's Interest
There is a mountain of literature and documentation regarding the basic history of the Palestine-Israel conflict, and where scholars may disagree one would need a magnifying glass to examine the dispute. However, the level of "controversy" surrounding the subject in the United States seems to remain steady, if not increase. What allows this, and therefore the conflict, to continue can be viewed as the function of three basic factors: lack of information (on the part of the population), silence (on the part of academics and the media), and intimidation (on the part of supporters of US-Israeli state power). While each of these three frames of reference is symptomatic in nature, they can nevertheless aid us in seeing more clearly why the conflict is so problematic in America. It must be emphasized that Palestine-Israel is not mystical, obscure, or even, one could argue, entirely unique. Quite the contrary, it's a conflict that can be easily understood -- and solved. So why all the contention when there's little to contest?
'Waltheimer' on the Hot Seat
"If you talk about an influential set of interest groups that is mostly though not exclusively comprised of Jewish Americans, some may think you are saying that there is some kind of secret conspiracy to control U.S. foreign policy," says Stephen M. Walt, gazing at the more than 500 people who have pressed into the narrow aisles of a Washington bookstore on this sweltering September night. "Anybody who raises this issue is virtually certain to be accused of being anti-Semitic."
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