Monday, November 26

Khalid's letter to the Independent Re: the Annapolis Conference

Dear Sir: The Annapolis conference is another monumental exercise in futility, mendacity and failure. Just take a fleeting look at participants and attendees.
George Bush, the Fuehrer of the White House, has tons of innocent Iraqi and Afghani blood on his hands. Needless to say, a person as such is inherently incapable of making peace. This is the same man who had called Ariel Sharon, the certified Israeli war criminal and hero of the Sabra and shatila massacres, a man of peace.
Tony Blair, another participant, is a deceiful liar, a verbal juggler, a pathetic prevaricator, a man as sinful as sin itself. He too has much Iraqi and Muslim blood on his hands. As such, he can't make peace in Palestine.
The European Union, though an economic giant, is politically impotent, and in the final analysis, it is at America's beck and call. Just see how the EU is silent while Israel is starving millions of Gazans because the Zionist regime didn't like the outcome of Palestinian elections in 2006.
The PA leadership of Mahmoud Abbas functions very much like the Jewish Judenrate under the Nazis. It can do nothing apart from oppressing and tormenting Palestinians on Israel's behalf.
As to Arab despots, they can do very little besides trying to please and appease their American slave-master. Needless to say, these petty tyrants value the legitimacy that comes from American and western acceptance more than that which comes from their own people's acceptance.
Then there is Ban Ki-Moon, probably the weakest ever UN Secretary-General. This man has to constantly watches his tongue and behavior lest he upset Washington. Nothing worthwhile can be expected from him.
This is the same man who keeps babbling about world peace, while the Nazi-like Israeli regime is effecting a slow-motion genocide in Gaza against 1.4 million tormented human beings whose very surivival depends on the good will of the world, a world that is overwhelmed by spin, lies, and political correctness.
Finally, there are Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak, who murder children on their way to school in Gaza and call the murder self-defense, and who then lie about their crimes and call the lie "hasbara and public relations." To put in a nutshell, the two are representaitves of a state that is a murderer, thief and liar.
To expect peace from these "leaders" is very much like seeking safety in snake holes and justice at the dens of inequity.
Khalid Amayreh
Israeli-Occupeid Palestine
West Bank-Hebron
tel. 00970-2-2280149

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