Friday, November 16

Headlines From Occupied Palestine

hazem Kawasmi

When the army comes knocking
Amira Hass - Haaretz - "Once every few days, a laconic report appears in the Palestinian press about an occupied house. The Israeli media does not even mention it. But the residents of these houses and their neighbors walk around for a long time with the trauma and the humiliation of having their bedrooms and bathrooms invaded."

From the `Frog` to the `Banana` Position: Torturing Palestinian Detainees
STEPHEN LENDMAN - Counterpunch - "B`Tselem`s May, 2007 report states that the Israeli Security Agency (ISA - formerly called the General Security Service or GSS) admits to using "exceptional" methods that include "physical pressure" of interrogation in "ticking bomb" cases that can be used as an excuse to abuse anyone. In addition, law enforcement officials openly admit harsh measures are approved retroactively so that Palestinian detainee rights can be freely violated without fear of recrimination."

Israel detains physician to extract information on his patients
Electronic Intifada - "...on Tuesday, 6 November 2007, IOF detained Dr. Nabih Abu Shaíban (52), a neurosurgeon from Gaza City, at Erez checkpoint. Abu Sha`ban was accompanying his son, suffering from kidney problems, to Jordan for medical treatment. Abu Sha`ban was detained despite having permission from IOF to pass through."

Wisdom from the shadows
MIDDLE EAST TIMES - Editorial - "Wisdom can come from the most unexpected places. But when Ephraim Halevy, the long-time head of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, urges the United States and Israel to open serious dialogs with Iran and Syria, we agree with him."

Watchdog group: Only two W. Bank roadblocks lifted recently
Avi Issacharoff - Haaretz - "Only two of the 24 roadblocks that Israel claimed to have removed recently were in fact removed; many never existed to begin with, the Machsom Watch watchdog organization said Tuesday."

Who wants a Jewish state
Haaretz - Editorial - "It is easy to speak about a Jewish state, but difficult to find the political courage required to do what it takes: Settlements scattered in the heart of the Palestinian population make it impossible to separate between Israel and Palestine along a plausible and viable border. With each passing day and each passing year, every settlement expansion, every outpost and every road built to reach it disrupt the chance to separate the two nations. "

Collective punishment of Gaza population must end!
European Jews for a just Peace - "The civilian population of Gaza has been virtually imprisoned and under constant siege, a siege imposed by the occupying power, Israel. It has suffered arduous sanctions, boycott, economic strangulation, total deprivation and poverty, especially after the democratic elections held in the Occupied Territories in January 2006 that brought Hamas into power. The constant and brutal attacks by the Israeli army on a civilian, captive and defenseless population, almost half of which are children, constitute a direct violation of human rights."

Hebron: Obstacles to School, Obstacles to Peace
Lorne Friesen and Jessica Frederick - PCTHebron - "this family has a seven-year-old boy, Hani (not his real name) confined to a wheel chair. Because of the concrete barricade, the boy must rely on people to push the wheel chair up the hill, which includes steps within the labyrinth of ancient stone walled houses. When they have reached the adjacent street, his journey becomes precarious because of the lengthy steep grade. On the way to school, one must walk very carefully down this street, holding the wheelchair in check, because otherwise the wheel chair and its occupant would plummet down the hill. "

Like on the first Land Day
Amira Hass - Haaretz - "The killing on Monday of six participants in the Gaza City rally by gunfire from Hamas police immediately raised questions concerning the strength and weakness of the Gaza Strip government and its rival - the Fatah movement in Gaza. The extent to which this is not a matter of absolutes can be learned from the viewpoints of two devout Muslims."

Israeli police arrest hundreds of Palestinian workers inside Israel
IMEMC Staff - "Haider Ibrahim, Secretary general of the Palestinian Workers` Union, stated that the Israeli police have arrested 270 Palestinian workers inside Israel this month. The arrests took place in several raids in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jaffa."


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