Tuesday, November 27

Gaza Will Not Be Forgotten while Annapolis Grabs the News!

OK Folks, If you can take your mind off today’s Top Story, ‘the talk about talks,’ & remember why we’re here a minute:

In the build up to Annapolis, Israel continues with Human Rights violations and killings in Tulkarem

International Solidarity Movement
November 26, 2007

Sunday saw the assassination of a young man, Mohammed Qawzah, known as "Azzalayim," from Tulkarem refugee camp. Azzalayim, 23, believed he had been granted amnesty and pardon by Israeli authorities, but was shot dead at a coffee shop near his Tulkarem refugee camp home Sunday afternoon. A Tulkarem source reported that Qawzah had been told by soldiers that he was no longer on the 'wanted’ list, that it was safe for him to return home.

Also injured at the same time was, 23 year old Mushir Al-Mansuri, a friend of Qawzah’s, shot in the shoulder and leg and taken to a West Bank hospital. It is unknown thus far whether the Israeli army is pursuing this man or whether he has been granted pardon, it is known however that the deceased was on an amnesty list released by Israel a few weeks ago.

Like many West Bank areas, Tulkarem residents suffer regular Israeli army invasions and kidnappings. Most of the residents have either themselves been imprisoned in Israeli jails or have close family members who have been or currently are imprisoned, held in a cycle of administrative detention which can be extended indefinitely to upwards of 5 years in many cases without ever being officially charged.


November 29th, 1948 Let’s face it 60th anniversaries don’t come round that often & we should use the next 6 months to remind the wider world of every act of ethnic cleansing, numbers massacred & every razed village but as well as commemorate, we should celebrate 60 years of stoic resistance.

Please help to build this cause by inviting your friends & ask them to invite theirs.

The Palestinian International Campaign - End Gaza Siege


Tell them of the http://windowintopalestine.blogspot.com/ site where they can post news, blogs, videos and messages of support for the people of Gaza and the OPT’s. The email address is: windowintopalestine@gmail.com

If you come across any article or video that relates to Gaza or Palestine & you get an option to Digg, Fark, Stumbleon, get on it! Any little opportunity to promote the Palestinian cause, it all helps….

Please help to build this cause, if you are a member of any other groups / forums besides fb, then please promote this petition, if you haven’t already signed, then please, it’s the very least you can do:

URGENT Petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/etgs1/petition.html

For a comprehensive list of email addresses for UN Officials around the world: http://tinyurl.com/37eh3p & or above petition in 6 languages.

‘Ere have u seen these vids:

http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/General/Videos_Photos.html ?

In Peace & Solidarity for A Free Gaza & Free Palestine!

Sincerely, Action4Palestine


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