Sunday, October 7

Campaign to break the siege on Gaza

Dear friends,

Dr. El-Farraj is a veteran of the Palestine struggle and was formerly in charge of human rights in Gaza in the PA under Yasser Arafat who briefly jailed his old friend on several occasions when El-Farraj complained about human rights violations committed by the PA. He is surely one of the most dedicated fighters for the Palestinian cause and I had the pleasure of meeting him in 2004. This initiative is clearly one that needs the widest support.
Jeff B

Campaign to break the siege on Gaza

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme is Planning to Organize an International Campaign to Break the Siege on Gaza
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) started the initial preparations for launching an international campaign to break the Israeli siege imposed on Gaza. GCMHP is in the process of forming a national committee of Civil Society Organizations to act as a local organizing committee. GCMHP has started to contact and coordinate with friends and solidarity groups of Palestinian rights in Europe and the USA. The campaign will include a number of activities such as conferences and workshops with participation of local and international experts to discuss the humanitarian, health, environmental, social, cultural, and political repercussions of the siege.
The campaign will include many media activities, interviews and press releases. GCMHP will also organize regular visits for different visitors and solidarity groups to Gaza to be hosted in Palestinian homes to get first hand information of the Palestinian reality. The campaign is planned to last from November 2007- May 2008.
We would highly appreciate your initial response to this initiative. We ask you at this point to indicate if you are willing and able to contribute to this campaign by:
1- Visiting Gaza
2- Publicizing the campaign
3- Participating in activities
4- Financial support
5- Other means of involvement
Looking forward for your reply
Best regards,
Dr. Eyad El-Sarraj, President
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

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