Friday, September 21

Zionism... what to highlight?

Zionism is the ideology of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The term was coined in 1891 by Austrian publicist Nathan Birnbaum, and refers to Mt. Zion in Jerusalem.

Theodore Herzl, considered the father of Zionism, organized the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. The World Zionist Organization was established for the purpose of lobbying, strategising and building the infrastructure for a future state of Israel, and Herzl wrote in his diary "At Basle I founded the Jewish State."

A delegation was soon sent to Palestine to explore the viability of establishing a Jewish state there. The delegation replied back from Palestine with a cable that stated "The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man." However, the Zionists proclaimed that Palestine was "a land without people for a people without a land." In order to achieve it's aims, the Zionist movement resorted to deceit and ethnic cleansing, as revealed by many quotes from it's leaders.

"We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border… both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discretely and circumspectly."
Theodor Herzl, 1895

"Palestine proper has already its inhabitants. [We] must be prepared either to drive [them] out by the sword… or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population"
Israel Zangwill, 1905

"Our national interest come before all else… It is not possible for one country to serve as the homeland of two peoples."
Moshe Smilansky, 1908

"In the course of time we shall expand to the whole country ...this is only an arrangement for the next 15-30 years."
Chaim Weizmann, 1937

"After we become a strong force, as a result of the creation of a state, we shall abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine."
David Ben-Gurion, 1938

"There is no choice: the Arabs must make room for the Jews of Eretz Israel. If it was possible to transfer the Baltic peoples, it is also possible to move the Palestinian Arabs."
Ze'ev Jabotinsky, 1939

The concept of "transferring" European Jews to Palestine and "transferring" the Palestinian people out is central to Zionism.
David Ben-Gurion, 1944

"It is not as though there was a Palestinian people… and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them, they did not exist."
Golda Meir, 1969

Zionism Equals Racism
The UN General Assembly adopted, on November 10, 1975, Resolution 3379 stating that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination." The vote passed by 72 in favor and 35 against (with 32 abstentions). However, the resolution was repealed 16 years later, after enormous pressure mostly from the United States government.

The Zionist movement has had no problem collaborating with racist and facist movements. Chaim Weizman, President of the WZO, met with Mussolini in 1923 and 1926 to discuss cooperation; this was met with Mussolini's offers of economic support, and favorable press. In 1933, the Zionists presented the Nazi regime with a document offering collaboration with them. And today, Israel enjoys a formidable ally in Christian Zionism – a racist movement seeking a gathering of all the world's Jews in Palestine in order to fulfill so-called prophesies.

1) Online Visit the  Palestine poster: This poster, published by a Zionist development agency in 1936, effectively debunks three of their core myths; that Palestine was a land without people, that Palestine was a barren desert, and that there never was any such thing as Palestine. The poster reveals a a populated and green Palestine, called by name!
2) Theodore Herzl
3) Zionist congress



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