Friday, September 7

"Ryerson Students’ Union in Toronto Canada Angered by Levy’s Statement "

Sheri Shefa
"TORONTO - Since Ryerson University president Sheldon Levy issued a statement against the proposed British academic boycott of Israeli universities, the Ryerson Students' Union (RSU) has been busy drafting a motion that calls on Levy to retract his statement.

In July, Levy issued a statement in response to the British University and College Union's (BUCU) proposed boycott of Israeli universities and academics that read, "As a university we embrace understanding, exchange of ideas, empathy and intellectual engagement. We do not shy away from controversy, difficult ideas, or disagreements over deeply held views."
But Heather Kere, the RSU's vice-president of education, said after concerned students learned about Levy's statement against the proposed boycott, they approached the RSU with concerns about "the process he took in order to come to the conclusion of approving of it, or not approving of it. That is when we looked into what could be done about these concerns."
She said that the decision was made to draft a motion that reads: "Be it resolved that the Ryerson Students' Union ask Sheldon Levy to retract his comment and; be it further resolved that a meaningful discussion on the issue involving consultation of students, faculty and staff occur before a public statement from the university issued.""


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