Monday, August 20

Stop The Siege Petitions & More

Andrew J Silvera

There are 3 Stop The Siege Petitions here, all addressed to
different people, the first is probably the most important, called
by the PSC.

I've been researching to draft a petition against Israel's (ab) use
of the Defence Emergency Regulations which they have manipulated to
systematically persecute Palestinians since 1948 and in the process
found this: which

"The more the siege continues, the greater the harm to the residents
and their ability to meet their basic needs. Therefore, B'Tselem
calls on all the parties in charge of managing the crossing points
to take immediate action to open the crossings and prevent a
humanitarian tragedy."

Then I'm thinking there should just be a petition calling for the
opening of the Rafah Crossing but the closest I could find was: Ah!
This is a new one.

URGENT PETITION: End the siege on Palestinians and support
Palestinian democracy
We the undersigned call on the new prime minister, Gordon Brown, to
• Call for international support for the Palestinian power-sharing
framework of the Mecca Agreement and a return to a unity government,
based on the results of the January 2006 elections
• Demand that the blockade on all Occupied Palestinian Territories
be lifted and freedom of movement guaranteed
• Reinstate funds and aid to Gaza and ensure there is no separation
of the Gaza Strip from the West Bank and East Jerusalem
• Press Israel to release all elected Palestinian parliamentarians,
and all other Palestinian political prisoners
• Work towards a just solution based on international law and an
end to Israeli occupation

To: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Gaza - Stop the Siege! Stop the War!

The siege of Gaza is shameful; the stranglehold on Gaza is immoral.
It must be stopped!

We, the undersigned, call on you, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, your
Cabinet, and the Israeli Knesset to immediately:

• Open up the Karni transport terminal for commercial and civilian
use; allow it to operate at full capacity - 400 trucks daily.

• Open up the Rafah crossing; allow President Mahmoud Abbas's
security force supported by European Observers as monitors.

• Open up the Erez crossing; allow a normal flow of business people,
international aid workers, journalists, and diplomats to pass.

• Re-start the monthly transfer of $55 million in customs and tax
revenues to the Palestinian Authority; money that you collect on
their behalf, that is rightfully theirs.

• Make all back payments of customs and tax revenues, including

• Tell the USA to lift its embargo on funds going to any legitimate
organisation supporting Palestinian civil society.

• Provide the Businessman Card to thousands of Gazan businessmen who
are peaceful people working to build a Palestinian state; allow them
their dignity; enable them to contribute to their families, their
communities, and the Palestinian economy.

• Release Palestinian prisoners, especially the old, the sick, and
the veteran prisoners; you know who can be released. Release enough
to be meaningful; an unambiguous good-will gesture, encouraging the
Palestinians to release Gilad Shalit.

• Meet with President Abbas, immediately, personally. Set a date,
time, place for a meeting. Hold that meeting - anywhere, anytime, as
you said

• Instruct your government ministers to meet with their counterparts
in the PA and begin to rebuild the Israeli-Palestinian partnership
in as many fields as possible.

• Instruct your colleagues to stop their snide, hate-inciting
comments. Specifically, condemn publicly, unequivocally your UN
envoy Daniel Carmon for his comment that the 19 Palestinians "are in
fact the victims of Hamas terrorism." Warn your colleagues that you
will condemn anybody making similar comments - and follow-through.

• Allow Palestinians to travel between Gaza and the West Bank,
thereby growing the economy, encouraging education, and enabling
family and social links to be retained. Give the good citizens of
Gaza something to live for ... not something to die for.

We call upon you and Israel to assist in the return of normal
economic health to Gaza, without which there can be no political
stability and no assured peace. Your policy must be directed against
hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. Its purpose should be the
revival of a working economy in Gaza, to permit the emergence of
political and social conditions in which free and democratic
institutions can exist. [Based on George C Marshall's speech at
Harvard, 1947]

We call upon you most urgently to stop the siege! Stop the war!

Peace! Shalom! Salaam!

To: Israeli Government and World Leaders
The situation in Gaza has reached emergency levels -- inadequate
water, electricity, and medicine; widespread hunger, poverty, and
unemployment; schools and other services rendered inoperative;
constant bombardments and attacks by the Israeli military.

This humanitarian catastrophe is man-made: It was brought on by the
ongoing siege of the Gaza Strip by Israel and the sanctions imposed
by the international community on Palestine, made worse by repeated
IDF attacks. If this situation continues, we will see spreading
disease, malnutrition, and more violence. Under these conditions,
negotiations -- the only way to reach peace between both peoples --
also become an impossibility. That's not a bad one & has
7,000 sigs already, tho I don't know when it was started.

OUR MISSION is to publicise the case of two young people whose lives
are being wasted in prison for offences they did not, could not and
would not have commited.
On 11 December 1996, Samar Alami, a Lebanese Palestinian woman, and
Jawad Botmeh, a Palestinian man, were wrongfully convicted of
conspiracy in relation to the bombings of the Israeli Embassy and
Balfour House in London in 1994. Both have been sentenced to an
extraordinary twenty years in prison, after which they face

May as well add: Kick Israeli Apartheid Out of Football

Petition to Israeli, Palestinian & international leaders: The
Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies at the heart of a global clash
threatening to divide us all. People from every corner of the world
want a just and lasting peace in the Middle East - and the
international community can and must help bring all sides to the
table. Start Real Middle East Talks Now, and stay at the negotiating
table until we have peace. This one's a bit out of
date, they wanted it signed before June & the 40th anniversary of
the 6 day war but it didn't stop me from signing it. I just wish I'd
seen it was so out of date before I posted it to the 300 or so
addresses in my mailbox, doh! & PS, Don't Forget:

London: Palestine Vigil at Wembley Stadium for the England–Israel
Euro 2008 Qualifier

If you're really unfortunate – you might just bump into me!!




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