Friday, July 6

Two declarations, updates on (Political) Zionist lies, and Boycotts updates

 Two declarations, updates on (Political) Zionist lies, and Boycotts updates

"Assay the power you have; our doubts make traitors of us all."

Two declarations, updates on (Political) Zionist lies, and Boycotts updates

1) A Declaration of Independence from Israel by Chris Hedges
umsmsmm"Middle Eastern policy is shaped in the United States by those with
very close ties to the Israel lobby....The future is ominous. Not only do
Israel's foreign policy objectives not coincide with American interests,
they actively hurt them. The growing belligerence in the Middle East, the
calls for an attack against Iran, the collapse of the imperial project in
Iraq have all given an opening, where there was none before, to America's
rivals. It is not in Israel's interests to ignite a regional conflict. It is
not in ours. But those who have their hands on the wheel seem determined, in
the name of freedom and democracy, to keep the American ship of state headed
at breakneck speed into the cliffs before us." /archive/2007/06/30/2231/

2) More updates to Zionist Lies vs the truth (answers posted at /liesandtruths/ )

Israel did not deliberately attack a UN Compound in Qana, Lebanon
Israel complies with international law
Innocent Jews wanting to "return home" were rejected from the start by local
Arabs for no good reason
Israel attacks infrastructure only if it is linked to terrorists
Israel did not deliberately attack a UN Compound in Qana, Lebanon.
Israel targeted killing is not contrary to International law
==(thanks to those who sent me inputs and links to add, please send more.
For lies, I would like any documentation of who said it and also
docmentation/facts to rebut it with appropriate links)
3) More Boycotts/Divestment successes: New England Conference of the United
Methodist Church issues recommendations for divestment

Call for boycott of Israel surfaces at University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada

For a draft compilation of other initiatives and successes, visit /boycottsanddivestment/
4) More than 50 Palestinians from across the United States gathered in
Chicago June 15-17, 2007, for an organizing meeting to prepare for the U.S.
Popular Palestinian National Conference, a conference that includes the
broadest sectors of the Palestinian community in the U.S., scheduled to
coincide with the 60th Anniversary of Al Nakba. The organizing focused on
realizing the objectives of establishing a network that will act as an open
arena where Palestinians residing in the U.S., regardless of their
organizational or political affiliation, will come together to:

• discuss the state of our communities
• collaborate in creating cultural works
• create and nurture relationships with other Palestinian communities
• compare and refine strategies
• interlink efforts
• plan joint actions
• inform one another and the community about work on behalf of Palestinian
national and human rights

Previous meetings were held in Detroit and Cleveland, however, the increased
energy behind this initiative was signaled by the high number of new
attendees. The meeting participants represented a wide array of political,
organizational, geographic and generational constituencies and in the face
of new tactics to annihilate the Palestinian national cause and its people
in Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine, the attendees reaffirmed the points of unity
upon which this initiative is based.

During these challenging times in the history of the Palestinian struggle,
the attendees reminded each other and the world of the sanctity of
Palestinian life and reiterated the commitment made in Detroit to
"revitalizing grassroots activism, speak confidently for ourselves, and to
unleash our potential as the agents of change in our collective struggle for
justice, return and liberation."

The decision was made to hold the conference in Chicago the weekend of
8/8/08. The weekend of 11/2/07 was designated as a national weekend of
mobilization, education and outreach to our local Palestinian communities
regarding this initiative. Practical steps were undertaken to build the
network and the committees reported on progress and plans for the upcoming
year. Specific goals were developed by consensus and volunteers stepped
forward to take on the tasks. The Outreach Committee agreed to expand the
database of contact information for mixed and Palestinian organizations and
created focused subcommittees for students, religious community, and media.
Work by the students subcommittee began and the media subcommittee decided
to immediately develop a promotional video, brochures and advertisements.

The Logistics and Finance Committees developed a detailed cost and needs
analysis. The Logistics committee decided to recruit hundreds of volunteers
to accommodate the thousands of Palestinians from across the U.S. The
Finance Committee opened a bank account, created a budget, set budgetary
target dates and began raising funds at the meeting and via phone. The
Program Committee began to develop the framework for an entertaining,
educational, and captivating weekend for the gathering in 2008, by
developing a rich series of workshops and events aimed at empowering the
Palestinian people. The program will cover culture, advocacy, education,
youth identity and numerous other areas of interest.

The attendees pledged to stand unified in honor of our ancestors who
sacrificed much in their struggle for the liberation of Palestine, its land
and its people. As Palestinians living in the U.S., with all of its
associated privileges, we must take the opportunity to envision our
communities in five years, one decade, two decades and beyond. By doing so
we will be able to consider what will be best for us as a national body
dedicated to the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their
original homes, lands, properties, and villages, ending Zionist occupation
and colonization of Palestine and to the self-determination and equality of
our people.

Please visit http://www.palestineconference .org for background on this
initiative, additional details and information on how to join this effort.
Mazin Qumsiyeh


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