Sunday, July 29

Two babies in one incubator...

From: Mazin Qumsiyeh

It is difficult to put into wards our experiences since I wrote last and
sent any emails in over 8 days.  Our visits to Hebron, Ramallah, Jenin, Aida
Refugee camp and much more.  Over 10 meetings with international delegations
(inc luding talks I gave to a number of these delegations).  So many
inspiring stories and so many sad stories.  But how can I describe the Jenin
general hospital which had a neonatal intensive care unit in which they had
to put two premature babies in one incubater due to lack of enough
incubator.  In which the pediatric ward was overflowing with children and
their mothers.  A hospital that had three ambulances at one time, two were
bombed by the Israeli occupation forces, and the third was involved in a car
accident and so now there are no ambulance for a hospital serving 350,000
people. How can one describe the situations of the villages of Tayba,
Romana, and Salem  in the northern West Bank.  How can we talk about the 20
year old killed in Bethlehem while we were here. The military jeep that
threatened us as we were filming on the apartheid wall while locals
explained how they were forced to relocate graves of their relative.  How
can one describe any of our experiences.  I urge everyone receiving this
message to take time come to visit Palestine and spend as much as possible.
Nothing can replace that.  In the next few weeks, I will try to put up some
videos on Youtube to relay some of the experiences.  A couple of videos with
relevant material are linked below.  But in the meantime, please take a few
minutes (if you are in the US or a US citizen living abroad) to contact
congress and demand they reject both the military sales to subservient Arab
regimes AND the increases in military grants to Israel (free weapons given
for racist wars).  Israel's military aid is to increase from $2.4 billion to
$3 billion annually for the next ten years (a total cost to us taxpayers of
$300 billion in addition to other aid).  For contacts of your
representatives, go to /congressorg/directory/

Boycott apartheid Israel--- Free Palestine

Bil'in Demonstration and follow-up hospital interview of injured Palestinian

Palestinian Summer Celebration videos so far: =T1MMve_qHK0  (via Dolorossa, religious)

A Lost Opportunity? The Palestinian Left By RAMZY BAROUD

Jerry Kroth: Democratic Defectors and the Israel Lobby
"Curiously, all of the traitor democrats were huge career recipients of
funds from the Israeli lobby. If we took ten Democratic apostates and
compared them to ten Democrats who stood by the voters, pro-Israeli PAC
contributions were "ten times" greater for the turncoats than those who
stayed with their constituencies ($322,000 versus $34,000 on average)."

Action: Vote in support of boycott of Israeli academic boycotts
My reason as stated when I voted was: "Israeli universities are built and
prospered partly by the suffering of the Palestinians and the ethnic
cleansing that took place.Tel Aviv University for example is partly built on
Palestinian village lands.  Not one of these institutions showed any element
of recognition let alone remorse or attempt at restorative justice.  On the
contrary these institutions aid and abett the occupation and further
colonization of Palestine including the apartheid wall and apartheid system.
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD, Fellow of the American Board of Medical Genetics" .aspx?sm=zrDgLYed7wn_2fe_2bcR2lC4Pw_3d_3d

20 years of the assassination of Palestinian political cartoonist Naji AlAli

Documentary movies about Palestinian history in Arabic (good especially for
children) _History_For_Beginners_5375/ar/index.html

The Apostate: A Zionist politician loses faith in the future. _fact_remnick?printable=true

Mazin Qumsiyeh


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