Friday, July 6


Please take the time to read our urgent appeal. We have nine days left to raise the funds necessary for maintaining this website, and we are entirely reliant on your support for this.

Dear Readers:

We are now entering our final week of the Palestine Chronicle Appeal, which urgently calls for your help in keeping this independent online newspaper alive. We have now raised 66% of our target of 15,000 USD, which means we still have a remaining $5,000 to raise by July 15th. It is only these funds which will allow us to keep the website up and running until the end of this year, and to remain freely accessible to all readers. As recent events in Palestine and their representation in mainstream media threaten to divide and diminish any sense of common struggle or purpose, the survival of an independent, progressive source of Palestine-related news and commentary feels more critical than ever.

Since its inception in September 1999, the Palestine Chronicle has strived to present the Palestinian struggle to the world clearly and unapologetically, never shying away from points of view that are largely censored and shunned by mainstream media. It has infused a much needed narrative into the Middle East discourse, and one of its most indispensible features lies in the forging of commentary on Palestine with wider issues, such as anti-war, globalization, and contemporary international events. Instead of limiting our focus to any one political ideology, we have striven to provide independent opinion of relevance to various interest groups, bringing together the writings of such leading progressive intellectuals and activists as Francis Boyle, Kathy Kelly, Uri Avnery, Norman Finkelstein, James Petras, William Cook, Ahmad Yousef, Hassan El-Hassan and many more. Bridging the space between mainstream coverage and very local or otherwise politically aligned reportage seems to us an integral position and one which the Palestinian struggle cannot afford to lose.

The Palestine Chronicle has become an essential source on Palestine and the Palestine-Israel conflict for international commentators, decision-makers, writers, journalists and analysts. The stories and reports published in the chronicle are now read and reproduced widely in hundreds of websites and our own website is regularly cited in books, newspapers and other forms of media

For the last eight years, the Palestine Chronicle staff have worked hard to ensure its distinctive and quality content. The majority of work is done on a voluntary basis. However, financial assistance is required to pay part-time staff and to offset various unavoidable expenses. Our current income, generated entirely by the contribution of readers, is just not enough to meet these costs. We are doing our utmost now to avoid discontinuing our services as a result of this shortage. We strongly believe that the chronicle must remain freely accessible; mandatory subscriptions would drastically reduce our readership, and the current situation of Palestine is too critical for us to go in that direction. Having no sponsors or major funders either, we are dependent on our readers to keep this small operation with its great outreach alive.

Any contribution you are able to make would help us towards our target of 15,000 USD by July 15th. As a token of our gratitude, we will send contributors of $50 or more a Palestinian headscarf; contributors of $100 or more will receive a signed copy of Ramzy Baroud’s latest book, The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People’s Struggle (Pluto Press). To help us, please distribute this message as widely and as soon as possible, and visit the to make a contribution.

(Please click or simply cut and paste the following URL):

You can also send your voluntary subscription by post to: Palestine Chronicle, P.O. Box 196, Mountlake Terrace, WA, 98043, USA.

We thank you in advance for your solidarity!

The Team
Seattle/London July 6, 2006

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