Monday, June 18

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines June 18, 2007 ~

Brought to you by Shadi Fadda

Hamas: "Fateh gunmen executed Jamal Al Usta,
one of our activists in Nablus"
Sources in Hamas movement reported on Sunday at night that Fateh gunmen executed resident Jamal Al Ustah, 45, one of the members of the movement in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Gunmen kill a youth in Nablus

Palestinian sources in Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank reported on Saturday at night that Fateh gunmen shot and killed a Palestinian youth in Al Duwwar area, in the city.

U.S. couldn't deliver on plan to prop up Mideast "moderates"

"Israel and the Americans repeatedly said that they would support Abu Mazen, but materially they did not," said Ayman Shaheen, a political analyst at Al Azar University in Gaza City. "We saw during these five days of fighting the superiority of the Hamas forces."

Palestinian police chief bans working with Hamas

The pro-Fatah Palestinian police chief on Saturday banned his men in Gaza from cooperating with the rival Hamas group following its seizure of the territory, saying they will be treated as mutineers.

Fatah officer: 'Our leaders betrayed us'

A Fatah security officer who surrendered to Hamas in the Gaza Strip said over the weekend that he and his colleagues did not fight because "we are very disappointed with our leadership."

Emergency government seeks to re-establish authority in Gaza

Amidst pledges that the Fayyad-led emergency government will receive the full backing of the US and Israel, the emergency cabinet has announced that it intends to wrest control of the Gaza Strip from Hamas.

42 thousand Arab homes in Negev threatened with destruction

The regional committee for unrecognized villages is preparing to establish a refugee camp in front of the Knesset as a symbol of protest against the fact 42 thousand Arab homes in the region are threatened with destruction.

Names of Ministers of the Emergency Government

Palestinian Madar News Agency reported that the newly appointed Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr. Salaam Fayyad formed an 12-minister government, in addition to his post, and that the ministers swore in to on Sunday afternoon.

Catholic Compound Ransacked in Gaza

A school and convent belonging to the Gaza Strip's tiny Roman Catholic community were ransacked, burned and looted during clashes around a major security headquarters, the head of the community said Monday.
No chance of a compromise
The most peculiar thing about the bloody events in Gaza is the speed with which the Hamas militias have succeeded in overcoming all the official Palestinian Authority security mechanisms, which were subordinated to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). The official mechanisms numbered tens of thousands of soldiers. They had at their disposal weapons, equipment and installations, but all this did not help them. The resistance by the forces and the commanders of the Fatah movement to the attacks by the operational units of the Hamas Iz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades lasted for barely 48 hours. How did this happen?

Aides: Abbas to ask Israel to free Barghouti in order to aid Fatah
Advisors to Mahmoud Abbas have said the Palestinian Authority chairman intends to ask Israel for a number of steps to strengthen Abbas' Fatah movement in both the West Bank and Gaza, among them a release of a massive number of Palestinian prisoners, first and foremost Tanzim leader Marwan Barghouti.

The people of Palestine must finally be allowed to determine their own fate
The drivers of violence in Gaza are clearly external. When all Palestinians can vote for sovereign rule, peace will be within reach .

Towards a geography of peace: whither Gaza?

The Gaza Strip is a little bit more than two percent of Palestine. This small detail is never mentioned in the present Western media coverage of the dramatic events unfolding there. Gaza is isolated now by the Israeli siege, but historian Ilan Pappé explains that Gaza was always an integral part of Palestine and its cosmopolitan gateway to the world. It is within this context that we should view the violence raging today in Gaza and reject the reference to the events there as another arena in a 'Clash of Civilizations.'

B'Tselem to Hamas, Fatah: Put war crimes suspects on trial

Human rights organization B'Tselem issued a statement Monday calling on Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip to investigate claims its members committed war crimes against Fatah supporters, and put the suspects on trial.

Poll: U.S. 'elites' support Israel, but aren't sure it wants peace
Sixty percent did not agree that "Israel is an obstacle for peace" - but 38 percent did, and 29 percent of them were Republican voters, while 42 percent said they were Democrats. The findings among the general public constitute an improvement over a poll from October 2005, in which 50 percent said Israel is not an obstacle for peace, compared with 43 percent who believed that it was.

Fatah seeks to weaken Hamas
Palestinian president reportedly disbands National Security Council; Fatah gunmen target Hamas members, institutions.

Israeli blockade of Gaza must end
EU Foreign Ministers must ensure Israel ends its blockade of Gaza when they meet Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in Luxembourg today, warned international agency Oxfam. Nearly one and a half million Gazans will soon run out of food and medical supplies if Israel does not lift the blockade. Around eighty per cent of Gazans are reliant on food aid, all of which must enter through crossings that Israel controls. Gazan fuel depots also report they are running short of supplies.

Israel blocks shipments bound for Gaza

Israel, the transit point for goods entering the Gaza Strip, has ordered cargo shipments to the Hamas-controlled territory blocked, the Israeli customs authority said in a letter obtained by Reuters on Monday.

Gazans stock up on petrol and food as fuel supplies run dry
Gazans rushed to stock up on petrol and food yesterday as Israel cut fuel supplies in its first concrete response to Hamas's seizure of power in Gaza. T he panic-buying came on another frenetic day of politics as President Mahmoud Abbas swore in a new government in Ramallah and outlawed the Hamas militias that deposed the Palestinian Authority in Gaza. He promised their members would be punished for their actions.

Those who denied poll result were the real coup plotters
Here is how democracy works in the Alice in Wonderland world of Palestinian politics under the tutelage of the US and international community. After years of being hectored to hold elections and adopt democratic norms, a year and a half ago Palestinians duly elected Hamas with 44 per cent of the vote, ahead of Fatah on 41 per cent.

How Hamas turned on Palestine's 'traitors'

It started as a well-planned settling of scores between rival political factions. But by the end of last week Palestinians seemed on the brink of civil war as two conflicting governments vowed to defeat each other .

Entangled Insurgencies; Hamas and Hezbollah

"In the past year, two completely unexpected events have surprised all the politicians and pundits who never even came close – in the material that I was able to research – to predicting, even as a remote possibility, the actual outcome. The first event was the surprising victory of the Hezbollah forces against the Israeli attack in Lebanon. The second is the recent surprise of Hamas taking full control of Gaza, in spite of the overwhelming favour granted Fatah financially and with armaments by Israel and the U.S. Behind these two actions is a history replete with commonalities......"

Well the conspiracy is unfolding before your eyes now

It is unfolding in Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, Palestine, and Afghanistan. Do you really need more evidence of a US-Saudi-Israeli conspiracy in the Middle East region? You look at Palestine and you see a reference to a Palestinian "civil war" as it is being called. People used to say that in Palestine it is very unlikely to have a Palestine civil war because the Palestinians have harbored a strong aversion to internecine battles and strife. But that is not true: collaborationist Palestinians have been killing other Palestinians, and dragging other factions into civil war, since at
least the 1936-39 Palestinian revolt.

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