Through Family Sponsorship, your family now has the unique opportunity to help alleviate the suffering of impoverished families in Gaza Strip, Palestine, and show solidarity to those who are impacted the most by the dire humanitarian crisis.
Family sponsorship is a community development initiative that aims to change lives by delivering long-lasting, self-sustaining improvements to help lift generations out of poverty. Your sponsorship will empower parents and children caught in the cycle of poverty.
With your support of $3 per day, delivered in direct monetary assistance, you are giving your sponsored family the option of sustaining essential life needs, be it food, health, education or merely coming out of crisis.
Your own family will experience the joy of building bridges with your sponsored family as you begin to build a relationship with them. Your children will learn invaluable lessons about caring, sharing and selfless kindness. You will have the option of contacting your sponsored family, and even visiting them as a show of your solidarity with their struggle for dignity, national and human rights.
70% of Gaza Strip residents are living under poverty line, with less than $2.00 per day. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza Strip affects all aspects of life, mostly presented by either a cut to or a complete elimination of family income.
Family-to-Family sponsorship aims to alleviate the suffering of impoverished families, and provide minimum support to the family unit to sustain itself.
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