Tuesday, May 29

Dr. Jamal Zahalka to discuss the persecution of Dr. Azmi Bishara by the Zionist state

The National Council of Arab Americans San Diego
Al-Awda ,The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, San Diego

Invite you to an evening with Dr. Jamal Zahalka to discuss the persecution of Dr. Azmi Bishara by the Zionist state

Tuesday May 29 ,2007 at 7:00 pm
Normal Heights Community Center
4649 Hawley (Near Adams & 35Th)
San Diego

Dr. Jamal Zahalka is a 52 year-old Palestinian, who was born and lives in Kufur Qaraa' near Nazareth . He has a Ph.D. degree in pharmaceutical sciences in the subject "Medicinal Chemistry of Hashish". During his studies at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem , he was one of the leaders of the Palestinian student movement, and cofounder of several protest movements against occupation and for Palestinian rights. Zahalka was political prisoner for two years 1972-4.

Dr. Jamal Zahalka is a Member of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) with the National Democratic Assembly (Tajjamu’ Party), headed by Dr. Azmi Bishara. He has been one of the advocates of Palestinian rights for freedom, independence and return. He works in defending and promoting national, civic and social rights Palestinian citizens of Israel . Before becoming a Knesset member, Dr. Zahalka was the founder and President of the Centre for Community Development, which took on the task of strengthening grassroots activism among Palestinian citizens in Israel through community organizing, as a means to struggle for full citizenship and national rights, and to ensure the equal distribution of public resources.

Dr. Zahalka is in the US as a guest of Al-Awda. He gave an outstanding presentation at the Fifth International Al-Awda convention which took place May 25-27 in Anaheim California www.al-awda.org

For more info please contact
www.arab-american. net 619-980 0677 www.al-awda. org 760-685-3243

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