Palestinian civil society organisations condemned Israel's War Crimes in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.
A press release issued Thursday said that representatives of several parties, political groups and Palestinian civil society organisations convened in the city of Ramallah upon the invitation of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO).
The meeting discussed current conditions in light of the blatant Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the atrocities that are being committed by Israeli troops against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, and the serious escalation in the region in general following Israeli aggression on Lebanon.
Participants stressed that the goals of the Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon are evidently much broader than a mere reaction to the story of Israeli soldiers during military operations by the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance.
The press release said, the Israeli military operation comes in the context of a comprehensive integrated policy to destroy the infrastructure of the Palestinian society. It is another attempt to weaken the Palestinian entity and sabotage any hope for development.
"The Israeli invasion came specifically at a time of Palestinian political conciliation, as reflected in the signing of the National Conciliation Document, which translated the Palestinian consensus into concrete terms," the added. "The current atrocities committed by the Israeli military during this invasion demonstrate yet again how far Israeli disregard for Palestinian human life can reach."
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