"The United States continues to give more foreign aid to Israel than any other country in the world, and that money is fortified with military donations such as warplanes, “smart bombs,” and other military machines. At the same time, the US still attempts to present itself as an “honest broker,” which currently even its supporters can no longer believe."
PCRR: Israeli forces committing war crimes aimed to break will of people
The Palestinian Center for the Right to Return issued a statement Tuesday in which the organization denounces the recent series of Israeli aggressions against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.
The statement emphasized that Israeli forces are committing criminal acts aimed at breaking the national will of the people. The attacks not only include destroying infrastructure and institutions, but also imposing a climate of terror and murder.
A PCRR spokesperson stated that Israel’s actions are in clear violation of many international laws including, but not limited to, the Fourth Geneva Convention. The Israeli government has violated such international law by indiscriminately killing civilians, in addition to demolishing vital infrastructure.
The statement called for the United Nations to immediately intervene to stop the escalating Israeli aggression in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip and to prevent further loss of innocent life and displacement.
Israeli forces render 100s of Gaza families homeless; Red Cross denies telling residents to evacuate
Palestinian in Israeli Knesset: the answer is in the mind, not in occupation, tanks & destruction
A Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset sent an urgent message to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert asking him to stop manufacturing war with Lebanon. “War is crazy,” the MP said Tuesday. His message included a clear statement, “Stop killing civilians and destroying the infrastructure; stop the repression, stop the systematic destruction in Palestine and Lebanon. Both peoples desire to live a free and decent life.”
Parliament Member ‘Tala Al Sane wrote in his letter, “There is an alternative option to aircraft and tanks. The option is reason. The option gives life and instills hope and does not leave death as an option, which sows hatred and anger. The occupation forces use everything from tanks and planes and guns, but they do not use the mind. If you reason, the Israeli government and forces would realize that aircraft can destroy bridges, but it can not destroy the will of the people.”
Al Sane went on to write, “We can look to international history and see the US mistake in Vietnam and Israel's experience in Lebanon over the past 20 years.”
The MP wondered aloud, “Why would the Israeli occupiers expect to repeat the same mistakes, yet get different results? The use of force is not evidence of strength. It is evidence of weakness. The long-term solution is political. The question is why pay the price of killing and destruction, which will accrue resentment and revenge throughout future generations?”
In his letter Al Sane commented on the US position that “gives Israel the green light to continuing its homicidal bombing and mutual interdependence between the US and Israel.”
The US position “can only be regarded as scorning the blood of the peoples of the region. Why contribute so heavily to the suffering of the region? And what awaits the leadership of the region?”
MP Al Sane concluded, “The time has come for a bold political initiative, the rationale for putting an end to the confrontations, and capturing soldiers. Through an end to all kinds of occupation, injustice and oppression, and by building the Arab Summit peace initiative, we could provide a comprehensive freedom and independence for the Palestinian people and end the occupation of Lebanese and Palestinian lands. That would provide peace and security for Israelis.”
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