Monday, July 10

My First Blog -Posted by Dr.Mary

This is not a test but a real declaration of support for Palestine as a free and independent nation. They haven't arrived there yet but it is the dream and desire of every Palestinian. Like air to breath they too need a homeland and a place to be and to live and to have joy and opportunities. What they have for now is a walled in, open air, prison site thanks to Israeli Illegal occupation.

America should have been helping to achieve independence but instead has been supporting Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Golan Heights, and Gaza Strip for the past 39 years.

Israel has killed, arrested, imprisoned and impoverished this predominately refugee group with impunity. They have tried valiantly to defend themselves with rifles, RPG's, home made rockets without any form of guidance system or long range, and of course the infamous rocks that women and children throw in utter frustration.

Israeli forces enter homes and destroy them making command posts with holes or missing walls for firing from. They come as undercover, disguised, agents to take men, teenagers, women and even younger children from their homes and families and imprison them. Often it is without charges so it is what seems to be unending administrative detention that can be renewed again and again without showing cause at all. Torture is a well-known component of the Israeli prison system and meals are often scanty and medical care scarce. Money for extras is essential to healthy survival.

Palestine, as an occupied land, has every legal right to defend itself BUT no one has stood by Palestine to allow a real defense. Any attempt to defend herself or her people has been condemned as terrorism while Israeli oppression, destruction, and killing has been hailed as defending herself. It is not uncommon for IOF soldiers to kill unarmed prisoners who have been stripped to their underwear. It is also not too uncommon to find that children are targets for their sharpshooters and for aggressive settlers squatting on stolen lands.

It is the children of Palestine who suffer the most. Sound bombs, sonic booms day and night destroy peace and rest. Add to that the recent weeks of artillery shelling and deaths and you have added terror day and night to their lives. Many of the dead and wounded in the shelling of the homes, have been children and their parents.

The closing of the crossings off and on for most of this year has stopped the import of food and necessities and the export of produce to bring incomes so you have the formula for starvation and malnutrition. Even the UN supplies are often stopped, so relief is impossible.

Medical supplies have been in critically short supply this year and frozen monetary transferees stopped salaries for months. Thanks Israel and USA for attempting to wipeout an ancient and determined people. They will persevere inspite of you. You will and have killed some but you have not broken their spirit and desire for 59 years. You have not stopped their attempts to defend themselves even if all they often have is rocks against tanks.

America supplies Money and armament to Israel. She is flying Apache Helicopters and F16's against people in cars and donkey carts. Unmanned drones fly overhead raining death and destruction on a civilian population with no army to defend it.

The past almost 2 weeks have brought out the tanks, again. Death and suffering increased exponentially and so does the hatred. You light a greater fire with the increase of your use of power. Palestine burns, and the hearts of many that have eyes that are being opened to what is indeed happening, burn also.

Viva Palestine!

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